How to Prevent Apple from Rejecting Your App

Vivek M
Dew Solutions
Published in
7 min readJul 17, 2020

The first quarter of 2020 recorded over 1.8 million apps in the Apple store; reports Statista. Hundreds of iOS apps are developed and published to the Apple store every day but entering such a huge and crowded marketplace is an arduous task; if the development process is not followed correctly.

Apple has a very meticulous review process. No matter how attractive your app looks, if you do not abide by their guidelines, chances are certain that your iOS app would get rejected straight away.

But don’t feel singled out if your app has been rejected by Apple. Following the Apple developer norms(which are comprehensive and well defined) should help you sail through..

In this write-up, we have compiled a list of 6 strong reasons that are possibly creating a hindrance in successfully launching your app to the Appstore.

Any app that uses third party social login services such as Facebook login, Twitter Login, Google Sign-in, etc. are now required to offer the “Sign in with Apple” option equivalently. Apple announced the guideline on 19 September, 2019 and made it compulsory for all the apps to include the Apple Sign-in option by April 2020. Their sign-in facility makes it easy for the users to sign in to your app using their Apple ID. As a result, it saves their time from filling out forms, verifying their email addresses, and setting up passwords. Speaking of the security, the accounts are protected with two-factor authentication and Apple doesn’t track the user’s activity on your app.

Sign in with Apple option would not be required under the Apple developer programme if-

  • Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account set up and sign-in process.
  • The app is related to education, business, or enterprise and requires users to sign-in with the related accounts only.
  • your app belongs to a client or a third party service.
  • The app uses an identification system backed by the government.

For all others, it is now mandatory to allow users to sign in using Apple ID.

It is advised to thoroughly test your iOS app on devices running on the latest software before submitting it to the appstore. Check if it contains bugs and whether all the elements are functioning seamlessly across different iOS devices. Many times, the app is integrated with a third party application, as a result of which some conflicts may arise, and if the app is not thoroughly tested, it could lead to the app crashing while the functionality is still in use.

So, get it tested, and if there are some glitches, get them fixed before pushing the application on the app store. If, during the sanity check, Apple figures out that you haven’t done a quality check and your app is not up to the mark in terms of stability, they would reject your submission outright.

Apple expects your app to run smoothly, stand to their expectations. Basically, they want the app to deliver a rich user experience. If the app looks cluttered, takes time to load or the navigation isn’t user-friendly, it will hamper the user experience and this is enough for Apple to reject your app.

The same goes for the User Interface. Although every Apple developer pays detailed attention to the UI (who would want their UI to look bad?), the best approach is to look up Apple’s DOs and DON’Ts in their UI design guide, some of which we have described below.

UI optimization for all screen sizes is expected. Apple standards do not allow users to zoom in/out or scroll on different screens to explore content; particularly when native components of the application are used.

Another aspect is of touch. iPhones have been created as an epitome in touchscreen tech. Apple expects that the touch feature in the design should not be cluttered and 44 pts X 44 pts gap should be there between touch targets.

Similarly, text should be visible with a minimum 11 point size and color combinations should ensure the text is legible.

Such guidelines are defined in detail and it would do well for an app developer to study them before starting the app development.

Apple has a very strong reason to reject your app if the information you have provided is incomplete or outdated. Provide entire details needed to review your app before submitting it. If there are some features in your app that require signing in, provide valid demo login credentials. Attach a demo video if you need to explain something regarding hardware.

For example, for subscription-based models, Apple requires username and password along with the contact information of the primary person responsible for the application so that if in case their team experiences any challenges or inconveniences, they can contact the concerned person. If such information is missing, Apple may prevent your app from getting published on the appstore.

Also, briefly and accurately describe what your app does and why should one use it. The description should be precise and not misleading. In the application form that contains fields such as application name and details, include the privacy policy link of the application as well.

If the app doesn’t relate to the description or there isn’t sufficient information, you might find yourself in trouble as the team would take no time in rejecting your app. Hence, avoid any sort of discrepancy.

Using other payment gateways and not Apple’s default one risks your app getting rejected. Apple developer programme utilizes its in-app purchases, made by unlocking premium content or through subscription models. This is handled by their own payment gateway.

If the application has a subscription based model, then every Apple developer should ensure that they utilize the in-app purchases provided by Apple. Now if you integrate any external payment gateway, that would not benefit the company. Using their default payment gateway is the ideal solution here. Follow the Apple Pay Identity guidelines for correctly using the Apple Pay branding and user interface elements. We have shared a small portion of it below.

For example, in case of UI development, Apple has defined the kind of artwork to be utilized. The customer facing interface is required to have an Apple pay mark with correct width and aspect ratio across devices. The mark is provided by Apple and one should not endeavor to create one’s own. If these are missed, Apple may prevent publishing your app on the app store.

If your app reflects that you have just repackaged your website and turned it into an app without making any significant changes or to be precise, if the app is hardly showing any difference when compared to the website, Apple would not accept it. The content structure, UI, and the features should go as per the layout of an app. Put simply, it should give an app-like feel and not the website. As per Apple, if your app isn’t unique, useful, or app-like, it doesn’t belong to their store. As simple as that!

It is also advised to submit your app to the relevant store. For example, if the app is based on songs and movie collections, it should be submitted to the iTunes store. Similarly, if your app is related to books or a game guide, submit it to the Apple Books store.

Apple isn’t biased. If someone’s app makes it into the Apple store and yours doesn’t, doesn’t mean they are against you. It simply reflects that the other app matched their guidelines perfectly and you lagged at some point.

Apple developer programme’s guidelines are strict to ensure quality apps live in their space. That’s what makes their app store trustworthy. Imagine if they ease their guidelines! Tons of spamming and misleading apps would enter the app store. There would be junk all over and it would be difficult to filter out relevant and quality apps.

A ton of effort and investment goes into iOS mobile app development. So make sure you have tick-marked all the points highlighted under their guidelines before submitting your app for review.

We hope you understood the possible reasons why Apple could reject your app. We would suggest going with the detailed guidelines shared by Apple and cover every small aspect they have mentioned in order to successfully publish your app to the Apple store.

Originally published at on July 17, 2020.

