Delisting Criteria
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2018

Dear Valued customer,

To maintain a healthy trading environment and pleasant trading experience, launches delisting criteria as follows:


  1. A token’s daily trading volume averages under 5ETH/day for more than 30 consecutive days,
  2. A token has no trading volume for more than 7 consecutive days;
  3. The project faces major legal issues;
  4. The project team is dissolved;
  5. Major technical or security flaws in the project are not resolved in a timely manner;
  6. The project is suspected of severe market manipulation;
  7. The team released heavily falsified information about the project or their activities;
  8. The project’s main net goes live and their ERC20 token is replaced by a coin and no longer circulated;
  9. The project does not align with’s long-term development plans.

Points to note:

  1. will communicate with the project team before commencing delisting procedures and try to minimize any impact on the project.
  2. Trading, order placement and deposits will cease after a token is delisted. Any open orders will be automatically canceled. Withdrawals will continue as normal.
  3. Users have 30 days to withdraw their tokens after delisting unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. token main net goes live or major security flaws are discovered).
  4. reserves the right to release an explanation for the delisting.


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An Ethereum-based decentralized exchange providing secure, low-cost Instant Trading on Chain