How to Connect your MetaMask account to Dex Brokerage and Create a Deposit

Alex George
Dex Brokerage
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2018

Here’s how to connect your wallet through MetaMask on Dex Brokerage.

Step 1 — Install MetaMask

Install MetaMask in your chrome browser. Or use the Brave browser which has Meta Mask by default.

Step 2 — Go to the Right Hand Side of Dex Brokerage

You’ll see that Meta Mask is not connected. So let’s connect it. Click the tiny fox icon in the right hand corner to open Meta Mask. You can restore a previous account or create a new one.

Once connected verify the green status, by clicking the three bars on the right hand side. Meta Mask should have a green status and your account should be shown.

Go to the Balances Page

Press the deposit button for Ether and you’ll see this dialogue.

Press Deposit and then open Meta Mask to confirm the transaction

Once it is successfully confirmed, it will take about 30 seconds for the website to update with your new balance.

For tokens you must approve our smart contract the right to move a certain amount of tokens into the smart contract for deposit.

Sets approval

Now you can deposit 10 TKM into the smart contract.

