How to place a Fiat-pegged order on Blog
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2 min readNov 15, 2019 is a decentralized exchange that delivers the best non-custodial crypto trading: liquid, fast and uncompromisingly secure.

A Fiat-pegged Order is a Limit Order, which rate is tied to a Fiat currency or BTC equivalent. The ETH rate is updated following the market value in the given currency. When placing a Fiat-pegged order, users have to specify a limit indicating the most unfavorable rate they would accept.

You can peg your Limit Order to USD, EUR, CNY, JPY, KRW, GBP, and BTC.

Placing a Sell, Fiat-Pegged order in the ETH/LINK pair.

Current Market Situation
ETH/USD: 183.26 DAI
LINK/ETH: 0.016377 ETH (~3.005 USD)

You want to trade a non-stablecoin pair, e.g. Sell LINK/ETH. Because you believe that the price of LINK in dollars will increase, you want to set a Sell Limit Order for 15 LINK. For convenience, you prefer to quote your Sell rate in Fiat (e.g. USD) rather than in ETH. Hence, you select the “PEGGED” Order to sell 15 LINK at a rate of 3.20 USD. To complete the order, you have to set an ETH Rate Limit that cancels the order if the specified ETH Limit Rate is reached. Now that your Pegged order is placed, the SELL order will execute as soon as the LINK price in dollars reaches 3.20 USD.

In the top bar on the trading interface, you will see the Display Currency box. Change it accordingly in order to see order book prices expressed in the Fiat currency of your choice.

A Fiat-pegged order in the LINK/ETH-market to SELL 15 LINK at a rate of 3.20 USD with a Rate Limit at 0.015 ETH.
  1. In the Markets section on the left, chose the pair you want to trade (e.g. LINK/ETH).
  2. In the order section below, click the green BUY button if you want to execute a BUY order, and the red SELL button to execute a SELL order. Next, you select “PEGGED” in the Order Type dropdown.
  3. Now set the Fiat or BTC rate, the order amount and the ETH Rate Limit that you want to trade.
    Use the blue slide-bar to granularly control the amount you are trading.
  4. Click the blue Place Order button below to submit your order and sign the transaction.

Always remember that in case you want to place an order, you have to be connected to our exchange via MetaMask, Ledger or Trading Login. You need to have funds deposited in order to trade.

Give us feedback! For any further questions feel free to join our Telegram group and message us there!


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