DAO Treasury: Showing you the money

DeXe Protocol
DeXe Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2022

What’s a DAO without a treasury? After all, governance is a lot more fun (and serious) when there’s money at stake.

As a reminder, a DAO is any organization run by its token holders in a decentralized way. That means the governance is not done by the team or some VC investors, but by every single person who holds the token and decides to submit or vote on a proposal. Even if you hold one token, you can be part of the major decisions of a multimillion dollar project.

And the Treasury is yours to — collectively — decide how to deploy. It’s not just a hypothetical exercise either: The DeXe Network team will transfer funds of DEXE to the treasury, giving real control to the holder community. That’s the kind of trust the team has in DEXE holders.

Just imagine charting out the direction of the DeXe Network, and, indeed, of DeFi with a few smart, consensus-driven decisions and the power of the treasury. Maybe, there is a new tool that the governing community realizes needs to be made. Maybe it’s a new service that the DeXe Network can offer either as an extension of its current services or something entirely new but which falls within the mission and capabilities of DeXe.

Maybe, the governing community decides to use part of the treasury for farming or buying a rare NFT and together benefitting from the yield or resale. Maybe it approves a number of grants to community members with brilliant improvement proposals. Maybe it will reward those contributing the most to the growth of the DeXe Network (not necessarily just the team but anyone who contributes significantly to the growth of DeXe). Not to mention the prestige and legitimacy that it gives the DeXe DAO to have a sizeable, regularly replenishing Treasury that’s used to improve the ecosystem.

How big will the treasury get? How many proposals to spend it will be approved by DEXE holders in the first month (or year, for that matter)? What new exciting growth and partnerships will this governance bring? We’re entering a very exciting time where every holder can play a part in shaping the future. And that’s the beauty of having DAO and a healthy treasury to power it.

About DeXe

Dexe.network is an ecosystem of tools that bring professional trading to DeFi and DeFi to trading with free tools like Wallet Info and Wallet-to-WalletCopying, services such as 111PG and the Kattana Terminal, and more components that complement each other and solve pressing market needs. At the core is a decentralized social trading platform that operates via autonomous smart contracts and includes tools for virtual currency allocation and automatic rebalancing. It eliminates the risks of transferring digital wallet details such as private keys and API or any virtual currency data to a third party. Most importantly, the DeXe Network connects successful traders and followers in a transparent, verifiable way for the benefit of both groups.

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DeXe Protocol
DeXe Protocol

An innovative infrastructure for creating and governing DAOs.