Meet the new spin of token sale model!

DeXe Protocol
DeXe Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020

Dear community.

The main goal of the DeXe token sale is to spread the word about the DeXe Network, its products, its advantages, and its strengths. This path isn’t easy, but this is our path — to build the base for a strong and decentralized organization with a successful, working product and a token that drive the whole system forward.

DeXe received tons of messages and reports from you regarding arbitrage abuse and use of it as a market speculation instrument that negatively influences the community.

DeXe as DAO model, excited to announce that shift the concept of the token sale, where anyone can get a full benefit of new opportunities available from the 11th round till the end of the token sale by taking off arbitrage from the DEXE Token economy. By that, the market speculation at the ecosystem shall be gone.

This marks a major milestone for the token sale, as one of its intentions was to provide high efficiency, trust, and full transparency for the community about the further development of the protocol.

Based on the continued impact of these two issues DeXe has shifted some of the priorities of the outstanding token sale concept:

1. DeXe will run all rounds with the 100% completeness since the 11th round, and until the end, using its resources, which makes it impossible to arbitrage.

2. All DEXE Tokens got by this method will be burned immediately.

Important: participants of the Token Sale will be able to use all the opportunities of Staking rewards program according to its current mechanism, and of Farming rewards program after the platform launch.

Without recapitulating the entirety of the state of post, DeXe will be heavily focused on several major themes to the end of 2020:

+ User experience improvements and protocol growth

+ Continued transition to decentralized governance

Over the last several months the market has awoken to the potential for decentralized finance, specifically the power of tokens as coordination mechanisms for trustless financial infrastructure. DeXe strongly believes that DeFi is no longer a whale game, but is accessible to anyone to both build on and use. We are not there yet, but we are getting much closer.

Thanks for reading about the new token sale model, go check it out, and if you‘ve got any questions come to join the conversation in Telegram!

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DeXe Protocol
DeXe Protocol

An innovative infrastructure for creating and governing DAOs.