Dexible v1.4 Released

This is our way of celebrating The Merge: the latest and greatest in on-chain liquid efficiency

Mitchell Opatowsky
5 min readSep 15, 2022



  • What is contained in the v1.4 updated of Dexible?
  • How can 3rd Parties use Dexible?
  • Why did Dexible implement a switch to basis points fees?
  • Are Dexible’s orders randomized?
  • How do I connect my wallet to Dexible?

v1.4 is LIVE

Today, we’re excited to reveal that Dexible v1.4 has been deployed to production! This new version significantly upgrades a key UX hurdle during wallet connection. It introduces randomness to orders, upgrades our business model by changing thearbitrary flat fees applied to each network transaction to a standard 8 basis points. Additionally, there have been significant changes to the Dexible SDK that now enable external integrations with third-party applications. The team and our new partners are thrilled that Affiliates can share in a kickback rev-share from their order flow (interested parties can apply over email). Dexible v1.4 also includes numerous infrastructure tweaks for improved quotes and error management.

As a refresher, in the first week of August, the team released Dexible v1.3. This made it significantly easier to get started and using the application.

There has been a significant amount of attention paid to DeFi innovation. A surge of new interest into derivatives, delta neutral vaults, Layer 2s, and cross-chains apps. This continued demand is changing the landscape to reflect those tokeconomic incentives.

Oh and the Ethereum Merge happened.

v1.4 Improvements

Continued and increased demand for DeFi innovation in the face of macro headwinds is a great set up for Dexible. v1.4 sets the platform to more easily lend out its powerful conditionality to 3rd party platforms. Let’s dive in.

3rd Party Improvements

Enabling third parties starts with improving the native UX of Dexible and enhancing its distribution channels. These new changes will enable order types, infrastructure, and automation to be shipped into 3rd party platforms, as a native or labeled enhancement. This is a significant step in the direction towards our mission of a resilient execution layer.

The Fee Model Change

For the past several months, it has become clear that for integrations to work, Dexible would need a smarter fee model. The other benefit is that it enables Dexible to move beyond token swaps. Both of these visions rely on changing flat fees to a basis point-driven model. This means that outcomes for total reflect the various inputs across chains.

Consolidation is just more sensible

SDK Changes

WIth integrations, a new significant change will enable 3rd parties to have a generous kickback affiliate revenue model. The crazy thing is that affiliates and referrals work the same for Dexible. Hence, third parties can generate revenue simply by referring traders to Dexible.


Prior to now, several traders were able to watch Dexible users on Etherscan with a relative level of predictability in the timing of their transactions. Those users were executing TWAP orders, which automatically broke up their input and split it across the desirable time period and executed so long as their price conditions were met. Dexible v1.4 now randomizes the time delays between TWAP rounds. This introduces difficulty in predicting when individual child orders will fire. Randomization relieves frontrunning concerns due to the previously fixed-interval algo.

Wallet Connect

Through implementing a new testing apparatus, the team realized many potential users ran into walls when getting started with the app. They experienced issues connecting their wallets. The team uncovered inconsistencies and errors with Wallet Connect in particular that dramatically impacted our UX. Our frontend team decided to more closely align with other DeFi applications (namely Uniswap) and upgrade our frontend library to @web3-react.

Other Small Fixes

  • Default order type is TWAP.
  • Market Order changed to “Segmented Order”.
  • Updated UI to replace sliders.
  • Added modal to instruct users to install Metamask or use a browser with a wallet
  • Improved internal testing on Dexible for better trader experience.


Changes in v1.4

  • Improvements to quote generation
  • Fixed a critical UX bug with WalletConnect connections
  • Fee Model changed

Changes from v1.3

  • Generate a sample Quote
  • No sign in required to generate quotes
  • More clear use

And that about wraps it up for now. Big news with 3rd parties coming soon. Stay tuned!

About Dexible

Dexible is the execution platform for DeFi. It combines dex aggregation and algos for DeFi execution. It routes across 60+ liquidity sources on all major chains and offers 7 algo order types.

Traders can use the web app or the low-code Typescript SDK. Also see the user documentation.

3rd parties can integrate Dexible Trade Portal and Dexible Widget for free to make a powerful DeFi algo suite available to their users in minutes, that’s earning them money along the way.

