TYPOGRAPHY: An Art Of Aligning And Arranging

Typography is everywhere around us. In logos, a packet of chips, hoardings, websites, in short anything that involves typed letters or words involves the usage of typography.

Ishita Thapliyal
4 min readFeb 9, 2021


Typography basically means the art of aligning and arranging the typed words and letters in a manner so that it appeals to every person watching it.

In today’s world where everyone wants to stand out, designers around use typography as a target to catch customers' eyes. The correct use of typography and the skill to enhance the use of it can actually help the brand message speak volumes.

Designers use typography to set the written text within the color, design of the website, logo etcetera. However, typography can be used to convey different emotions as per the requirement of the client. For example, a logo of an amusement park can have the brand message in some an amusing way so that it has a long-lasting impact on anyone who sees it. It is scientifically proven that anything which is appealing to our eyes lives longer in our memory and hence typography can be a tool to make use of this fact.

The different elements of Typography

To be a master of typography one must be skilled in the usage of the elements of typography.

1. Typefaces and Fonts

Typefaces and Fonts are often treated as the same and there is always some sort of confusion going around when we talk about the two.


However, typefaces and fonts are truly two very different elements. A typeface can be elaborated as an entire family of similar fonts varying in weight or design on the other hand fonts refer to weight, design, and height and constitutes typefaces.

2. Hierarchy

Type Hierarchy

Hierarchy is one of the most vital parts of Typography. Establishing a hierarchy means putting the typed text in a way that the most important text could be highlighted and then followed by other details with respect to their priorities.

3. Color

Color Wheel

The element which provides the designers with their creative arena is definitely color. Color could become the king if used in an aesthetic manner. Color basically has three key components- value, hue, and saturation. A designer to gets it to hold on how to balance all three of them could ace their ways in mastering the skill of typography.

4. Alignment

Alignment refers to the arrangement of text in a manner that there is equal and unified spacing, border, and margins in between the text. Alignment gives the text a clean look and makes it more attractive eventually.

5. Contrast

Alike hierarchy, contrast can also be used to emphasize and put pressure on the message that designers want to stand out. Investing more time working on the contrast can work as a click-bait to catch the attention of people and eventually conveying the message.


TYPOGRAPHY might be considered as the least important by designers and most of the time overlooked but at some point of the time, it can actually be the showstopper of a whole project.

One who can master the skill of typography has a chance of making their way to be better designers.

I hope this is helpful in understanding the typography and its elements. Comment below your views on this.

Stay tuned for more information and connect with me on Linkedin

