Best trading dynamics for users

Dexive Exchange
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

One of the factors that make crypto trading exciting is that it never stops, which means there are more opportunities to benefit from. But on the other hand it may become difficult and tiring to keep track of trends and price movements. This can be overwhelming for traders.

In order for users to execute their strategy successfully they require a support system. A support system which provides them tools necessary so that they can spend more time on quality research and less time executing trades.

Our Solution

Dexive is not just any exchange but it is an ecosystem! Dexive will give everyone an over the top user experience, with capabilities to take the whole crypto trading experience to the next level.

Dexive provides advance order types and price alerts based on technical indicators which no other exchange offers at the moment. These order types and the alerts are extremely useful due to the fact that the crypto market is volatile and also because the market is open round the clock. A fully functional smart phone app means that once users set orders and alerts, they don’t need to follow the prices closely, but will be instead notified on their phones when the order is executed or the price level reaches.

More reasons to visit the exchange other than trading

Dexive provides all the necessary information in a single place which currently needs to be collected by users from multiple sources. Dexive also provides a separate community for each asset. Each community includes discussions, micro blogs, filtered news and personal notes so that research is never lost.



Dexive Exchange

The advanced and social decentralized digital exchange.