All the ways to put money into a Saving Account

Nicola Di Marco
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2019

Design explorations on Saving Accounts & DexWallet

Wondering how to save money and become the more responsible person you want to be? Here are different options to make your savings account grow. Find the one that suits you the best.


Probably the easiest and the most common way to approach a saving account. It doesn’t require paperwork, it is completely flexible. It does though require at least a bit of planning and reminders.

Spaces are the easiest way to quickly create and manage a saving account

Push Notifications

This is most likely going to be annoying but necessary and if done mindfully, it can be a very effective way to save up a bit more. It’s like a caring mum reminding you to be a good boy.

Good girls save up more and get to buy a new motorbike

Automatic Saving

Here we have different levels of automation and potentially very different goals and triggers.

Regular Deposit
The easiest idea is to set up an automatic deposit, indicating amount and frequency. I am in love with the way Todoist manages the creation of tasks using natural language for scheduling them.

or “every second week” or “once a year”

Using some gamification techniques could be a fun and efficient way to motivate users to save more. It might be useful to think in terms of integration with coaching apps.

I also want to be there

Tax saving
Every freelancer knows this: If you don’t save for your taxes in advance, they will add up and you are going to struggle at the end of the year.
An easy recipe: automatically set aside 20% of every incoming transaction. Maybe IFTTT Integration.

Next year don’t be like me. Be wise.

Categories saving
Naughty shopper? There’s a way to re-balance your spending karma. Think about this as tipping your future self. Imagine you buy a new pair of shoes for 100$. Your transaction will show 120$ but 20$ will end up in your saving account.

Spare change saving
It simply rounds up every purchase to the nearest dollar and saves the difference. You will not end up rich but you might be able to afford some nice treat by the end of the year.

i.e. if you pay $2.70 for your coffee it puts $30c on your saving account

Users can already save up their DAI on DexWallet and earn interests thanks to Compopund.Finance integration. In the meanwhile, we are going to test more and more options so to create the best possible saving experience for our customers!

If you have ideas, questions, feedback or you’re simply curious, join our Discord, telegram or send us an email.

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Nicola Di Marco

Founder & Designer DexWallet • Member of InVision Design Leadership Forum • Formerly: SumUp, AmorelieDE, Rocket Internet, LQID, Mosaicoon