Community Survey

Nicola Di Marco
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2018

— Here’s the research survey

We’re currently designing many new features for the wallet and decentralized mobile exchange. In order to collect the most exhaustive possible amount of opinions from our users and get their needs and wishes right, we decided to invest time and effort to set various kinds of research activities including face-to-face interviews, ab testing and questionnaires.

We’re building a community represented by many different languages, cultures, technical limitations, aspirations and approaches towards financial products.

We believe every point of view matters.

We want to find out how can we build better products that meets your expectation.

Take the chance to let us know what you think about our product and how you imagine the financial products of the future.

What we want to find out

  • Level of Financial literacy
  • Level of Financial inclusion per demographics
  • Level of Digital literacy
  • Customer understanding

— Here’s the research survey


Survey Content

Your age:
Your gender:
Your income:
City you live in:
Education level:

Who takes financial decision in your household?
Me — My partner — My parents — Other

Do your household have a budget?
Yes — No

Do you have a bank account?
Yes — No

Do you use a mobile app for your bank account?
Yes — No

Do you ever pay with card?
Often — Sometimes — Never

Do you pay your bills online?
Often — Sometimes — Never

Do you buy products online?
Often — Sometimes — Never

Do you have a life insurance?
Yes — No

Do you have a saving or investment account?
Yes — No

Did you ever get a loan, house mortgage or a college tuition?
Yes — No

What is the the main factor you consider when choosing among different bank accounts?

  • Cost of fees
  • Simplicity
  • Quality of services
  • Personalization

Is your bank secure?

  • Yes
  • Hopefully yes
  • Not sure
  • No

In which way is your bank securing your asset?

  • I don’t know but I trust them
  • I don’t know and I don’t trust them but I feel I don’t have alternatives
  • I know:

What can influence your investment decisions?

  • Magazine
  • Online websites
  • Professional broker
  • Friends and family members
  • I do not invest
  • Other

Do you ever give financial advices?

  • Sometimes to friends or family members
  • I do it professionally
  • I do not give financial advices

Did you ever possessed bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency?
Yes — No

Do you know what PoW (proof of work) means?

  • I just googled it
  • I have no idea
  • I know what it is in detail

Did you ever transfer or make any payment in crypto?
Often — Sometimes — Never

What is a digital wallet?
Open answer:

Would you be comfortable risking your money in order to make a significantly high return of investment?

  • Yes
  • Little money yes but not as a main investment
  • Absolutely not.

Did you ever played online poker or sport betting?
Often — Sometimes — Never

Among this features, which ones you consider the most important?
(give points from 0 to 5)

  • Low fees payments:
  • Low fees exchange:
  • One click secure investment:
  • Advanced investment tips:
  • Long term saving account:
  • Securely store my assets (cold storage):
  • Secure private messaging:
  • Easily exchange fiat and crypto currencies:
  • Make payment secure and fast:
  • Support many coins and tokens:
  • Receive and send fiat and crypto alike using an app that looks like a traditional bank:
  • Better exchange rates for foreign currencies:
  • Online purchases with crypto payments:
  • Easily participate to ICOs and other forms of fundraising:
  • Ability to lend money or take a loan peer-to-peer:
  • Chat/phone/mail customer support:
  • Instant cashing out from crypto to fiat currencies (i.e. from bitcoins to dollars):
  • Single address for all cryptocurrencies:
  • Apple Siri, Google Now or Amazon Alexa integration:
  • Overview on my spending with categories:
  • Tax support for freelance and professionals:
  • One login for all my online services
  • NFC Mobile payments connected to my wallet
  • Ability to register .eth domain names
  • Ability to associate a Public Address to a Name

Most important reasons to consider an online or a mobile nonbank provider:
Open answer

What would be for you a reasonable fee model:

  • Pay monthly and do as many operations as you want
  • Pay a % fee per operation
  • Pay a flat fee per operation

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Your peace of mind in the decentralized economy

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Nicola Di Marco

Founder & Designer DexWallet • Member of InVision Design Leadership Forum • Formerly: SumUp, AmorelieDE, Rocket Internet, LQID, Mosaicoon