DexWallet welcomes POA’s xDai Chain

You can now experience the new stablechain in a mobile wallet for the first time!

Alessandro Arrigo
2 min readOct 26, 2018


We, at Dexlab, are following both POA Network and MakerDAO develop very carefully, and we are very excited about their partnership! xDai Chain is a big step in the direction of usability of cryptocurrencies in real-world scenarios, that’s why we decided to adopt that in out Wallet.

What is xDai Chain?

From POA announcement:

xDai Chain is an Ethereum-based blockchain that uses USD-stable XDAI (a representation of DAI token) as the native coin of the network. xDai Chain will be fast and cost efficient, using Proof-of-Authority consensus model and having 5 second block times.

You can find more info about xDai Chain here and here.

What’s great about that?

  • Fast: A five second block generation time will result in transaction speeds of 60 tx/s
  • Cheap: With gas costs as low as 1 Gwei per transaction, 500 transactions on the xDai chain will cost less than 1 cent.
  • Useful: For the first time ever, developers can now have known gas costs fixed in USD terms.

One of the main goals of Dexlab, that is reflected in all our products is usability. We want everyone to be able to access crypto space smoothly, and we truly believe this partnership will make our work easier.

What you can do with DexWallet and xDai Chain:

  • Send and Receive xDai on your Wallet.
  • See your Recent Transactions list.
  • See Transaction Details on blockscout.

A little demo of the actual DexWallet app:

Install DexWallet (iOS only, Android coming soon) and start exploring xDai opportunities with us!

About Dexlab

DexLab is an open source infrastructure with an array of added value financial technology services to foster global adoption of cryptocurrencies while preserving the original cypherpunk, decentralized ethos.

We are an international group of developers and designers, working to accelerate the adoption of the blockchain technology by shipping great products.

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Alessandro Arrigo

Economics BSc, Statistics MSc, passionate about new technologies, data science and psychology.