A Dexlab Recap

Whats happened and is what is next?

3 min readAug 19, 2021


It’s been an exciting road from us at Dexlab, from many ups and downs, to excitement, frustration and sadness. We have learned so much from all the good and bad things, are confident to say we are getting closer and closer to achieve our vision.

Since the inception of Dexlab, we’ve had many significant moments down the road.

Platform Updates

1. “List Your Market”

With this function, users and projects can list their markets on Dexlab. This is a very important function for us, as it’s crucial for projects to have channels of distribution.

2. “Minting Lab”

Our flagship product’s alpha version was released. Since then, 57 tokens have been minted through our MintingLab. Currently, there are 738 users and 276 wallets.

Major Advancements

Listings in Major Channels

After officially listing and distributing our token, we sought out to expand our listings. As of now we are listed in Bonfida and Raydium. We are very grateful for your support, and for listing our token as well.



Furthermore, we officially listed our token in Coingecko and CoinMarketCap.



These advancements are crucial for us, as it legitimizes our project even more to the public. We are a very serious project and are happy that the public can find us in some of the most popular cryptocurrency price tracking websites.

Council for Project Selection

We have finalized our council that will determine which projects can onboard Solana through Dexlab. The council members are: DSL Capital, PANONY, ROK Capital, NGC, Evernew Capital, Race Capital, VTG, Station Neo and SkyVision Capital. All full detailed report about this council will come out soon.

Whats coming next?

The road ahead is a bumpy one but nonetheless, we are ready. Here we present a technical roadmap for you, with what’s coming next. This is being worked on and is roughly a one-two month roadmap.

1. Token Vesting

Token Vesting is a function to set schedules for token distribution.

2. Interlocking Raydium Pool creation with Minting Lab

You will be able to manage pool creations with the MintingLab

3. Staking

Staking DXL will be a feature that will be added in conjunction to Serum Staking V2’s release.

4. Token Minting Dashboard

Dashboard will be finalized, and will display many arrays of information, as well as functions for management.

5. DXL Fee System

Trading fee reductions by holding DXL.

6. Access to API trading bots and Charts by holding DXL

As our platform develops, one of the primary ways to use DXL will be for access to other platform features, such as API trading bots, API charts, to name a few.

7. Bot Trading (Open Source)

Users can use our bot trading feature with access to our API.

Keep in mind that we are also addressing errors that users are encountering. Dont worry, your thoughts are being heard!

Stay up to date with the latest #Solana projects launching through Dexlab, and make sure you don’t miss out on any new tokens by following us on Twitter or joining our Telegram group!




Dexlab makes launching on Solana easy with a token minting lab, a launchpad and a dedicated DEX for all listings.