Introducing the MintingLab

Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2021

Dexlab is delighted to announce the release of our newest platform update.

The MintingLab is a GUI that will allow anyone to mint, list, and manage SPL tokens.

How does it work?

The SPL CLI is the primary method to create and manage Solana tokens. Currently, it lacks the linkage to be able to manage environment settings, token sales, market listings, and token information. With Dexlab’s GUI, one will be able to manage these settings, and be able to do everything from token issuance to adjusting utility settings.

As of now, the MintingLab is live on the devnet and mainnet. Currently, many functions are available, and more will be added with time. Please see the table at the end of this document for more information.

What to expect?

In the MintingLab, as of now, users will encounter three important sections.

First, the deposit wallet, where one deposits funds to pay for fees that will be needed for the MintingLab. Note that in the future, this wallet is where you will hold DXL for staking, fees, etc.

Second, the SPL Token Wallet, where one will create and manage wallets for tokens that will be minted. When one uses the token minting function, the tokens minted will be deposited to the appropriate wallet here.

And third, the MintingLab, where one will be able to configure and mint SPL tokens that suit their needs.

Looking ahead

As the MintingLab development continues, token utilities will be added, primarily trading pairs, fee reductions, staking, and LP. Furthermore, at the same time, a council is being formed that will properly assess projects that want to mint, list or IDO through dexlab. These projects will be of high quality that we believe will help the Solana ecosystem.

Current MintingLab function status

  1. Deposit wallet management

- Deposit and Withdraws to the MintingLab

  • Payment of transaction fees through DXL or SOL tokens

2. Minted SPL Token Wallet Management

- Create SOL wallet

- Create a token wallet

- Import existing wallet ( PrivateKey Import )

3. Token Generation and Issuance

- Token Generation

- Token Burn

(TBD) To Be Added/ (ING) Developing Function Now

1. Deposit Wallet Management

- [TBD] Wallet monitoring (info log of deposit/withdrawal transactions occurring in the wallet)

2. Token Generation and Issuance

- [ING] Token Ownership Transfer

- [ING] Token Vesting

- [TBD] Token introduction external link ( Token information through DexLab page)

- [TBD] Token-only API (total issued/to date issuance inquiry)

- [TBD] Token information widget (Widget to manage token issuance information, % airdrop, % team token, etc. for information management)

3. [TBD] Market Management

- Market creation and registration

  • Authenticated Market: Registering a market after registering token information through Minting Lab (will be listed in Extra Market, for public to see)
  • Non-authentication market: Registering a market with an existing wallet login (restricted to only those who register it and can only be seen by person who registered through that same browser)
  • Market revision (revision of information)
  • Dexlab listing

4. [TBD] LP POOL management

- Create a Radium POOL

- POOL status

5. [TBD] Staking Management

- Create staking

6. [TBD] IDO

- Whitelist Management

  • Create a form
  • Result and winner selection( Add winning conditions )

- IDO Management

  • IDO open management
  • Management of IDO participation results
  • IDO token payment management

7. [TBD] Statistics

- Management of transaction statistics, etc.

- View transaction history status by token

8. Others:

  • Direct Wallet connection to MintingLab
  • Interoperability with other blockchains

Stay up to date with the latest #Solana projects launching through Dexlab, and make sure you don’t miss out on any new tokens by following us on Twitter or joining our Telegram group!




Dexlab makes launching on Solana easy with a token minting lab, a launchpad and a dedicated DEX for all listings.