☄️ The Galactic League ☄️

5 min readJul 13, 2022


tldr; play fun game at https://arena.dfdao.xyz

Today, we are excited to announce our first PvP Arena competition:

Dark Forest Arena: Galactic League

Galactic League is a series of asynchronous, 1v1 matches. Players will compete for the highest Elo rating between Wednesday, July 13 and Wednesday, July 20 on our official map.

The winner will get $100 xDAI, 2nd place will get $50 xDAI, and 3rd place will get $25 xDAI.

Galactic League is free to play on Gnosis Optimism and open to all players.

Read on for more details about league rules, how to join, and new features.

Galactic League Background

Since April, we have been building Dark Forest Arena with the belief players want a fast-paced, action-packed, and easily composable game.

In June, we hosted Grand Prix, a speed-run contest that had 1,000 attempts over five weekend-long rounds. Testing new mechanics and infrastructure in a competitive environment taught us about game design, user experience, and community building.

We have always believed Arenas unlock more than single player speed runs. Today, we excited to announce our first multiplayer competition: Dark Forest Arena: Galactic League!

Galactic League is the first on-chain MOBA. It is a weeklong event in which players compete in 1v1 matches, and includes matchmaking, a discovery portal, and a per-map Elo rating system.

Whoever has the highest Elo rating at the end of the week will win the round. Earn Elo by beating other players on our official map. The better your opponent, the more Elo you will earn for a victory.

How To Play

In Galactic League Week 1, finding and starting match is simple.

Creating a Match

Click Create Match to launch a game.

Finding a Match

Click Join to join a match someone else created.

Starting a Match

A match can only begin when both players signal that they are ready.

If you want to surf the web while waiting for a match, keep your sound on for an audio notification when the game begins. Warning: this may be louder than expected.

Winning a Match

To win a game, you have to fill your opponent’s Target planet with enough energy to capture it.

Then, you click the Claim Victory button on the target.

Be warned! You will need to protect your home planet. This is the target planet your opponent wants to capture!

You cannot conquer your home planet, so protect it by attacking your opponent. The best defense is a good offense!

If your opponent captures this, they win

If you capture your opponent’s home planet first, you win! Depending on the game result, each player’s Elo will rise or fall.

Join our Community

If you want to chat with us, look for specific matches, or get some alpha on plugins, join us in Discord.

If you want more updates on the Galactic League, join our e-list and follow us on Twitter.

Elo Details

Elo example

There is so much to discuss around Elo score, and we’re doing it in a decentralized fashion. We use a simple Elo algorithm to rate players. It has default rating of 1200 and a k-factor of 32. If you exploit it, congrats! Send us a dm and help us improve next round.

The Portal 🥽

0xhank has designed a dashboard for Dark Forest Arena called the Portal.

The Portal lets you:

  • View any map
  • View live matches on any map
  • Remix a pre-existing map
  • Create a new map
  • View player accounts and their history on each map
  • View your own recently created maps
  • Search for player accounts and maps

This data has always existed on the blockchain, but non-technical players couldn’t access it. The portal elucidates the on-chain universe of Dark Forest Arena, making information accessible to our players.

With newfound access to data, players have more control over their experiences. They can create their own maps and host competitions without the approval of dfdao or DF Core.

For example, 277Dao can host a Grand Prix or Galactic League and distribute rewards for players without asking our permission.

Anyone can create a map for competitive play

We hope that this further enables the decentralization of Dark Forest and we have more Portal features coming soon…

New Game Features

Multiple Target Planets Required To Win

The map creator can now change the number of target planets required to win the game. This is useful for multiplayer games with numerous targets, multi-stage grand prixes, and domination-style battles.

Galactic League Week 1 requires one target to win.

Blocked Planets

There is one spawn planet (thus player) who cannot access this target

A map creator may block certain players from moving to or capturing any other manually-created planet. If a player’s spawn planet location exists in some planet’s blockedPlanetIds array, they cannot move to or capture that planet.

This primitive is useful for creating defensive bases, key outposts, and capture-the-flag style games. We use it in Grand Prix Week 1 to give each player a home base.

Ranked Matches

Players can now declare matches as ranked. If so, the player’s Elo rating will be updated after the match and display in the portal’s map rankings.

Arena Creation Page

A hint of the new UI

Dfdao contributor and front-end whiz @lermchair has overhauled the Arena Creation page! We hope it will allow our community to create fun and challenging maps.

Thanks for reading! See you in the Arena.

