What’s New on Dfinance?
Key features we have implemented

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

The Dfinance team continues to grow and improve the tools for our users and supporters.

Today, we will share information about new enhancements. More specifically, we will shed light on such features as CDP development and tools to automate smart contract creation. Besides, we will showcase how we plan to enhance our UI/UX design.

CDP Smart Contract Development

The main thing that will make participation in the Dfinance network even more comfortable is the Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) smart contact.

CDP smart contract is built to enable borrowing and lending cryptocurrency against another cryptocurrency. But unlike the centralized ways of lending, CDP brings more opportunities and security.

First, it does not require the participation of a third legal entity and is executed automatically due to a predefined algorithm. CDP contracts contain all the relevant information, including the property rights. Users don’t have to wait to ask for a centralized authority loan and hope for approval. Everything happens in real-time.

Second, Dfinance users will benefit from a highly secure CDP that is impossible to falsify. Since these contracts are based on the blockchain, they are immutable and decentralized. Once created, they cannot be deleted, edited, or altered.

And the most exciting part is that users will not need much to borrow funds. For taking a loan with CDP, they only need to provide collateral in cryptocurrency like ETH as a guarantee of repayment to secure a loan.

There are many other features and benefits of the CDP mechanics that we implemented into our platform. To learn more, you may look through one of our previous articles.

Automated Smart Contract Development

Another improvement we have recently added is the automation of the smart contract development process.

With this instrument, users will be able to create smart contracts in one touch. All you need is to add your contract’s text, select the required procedure, and leave it to compile and deploy. Just a few seconds — and you receive a ready-made smart contract that you can use to your benefit.

Refined UI/UX design

The last piece of news that we would like to share today is the upgrade of the platform’s UI/UX design. Currently, this task is still in progress.

Platform usability and user experience have always been our priority. For this reason, our team is actively working to bring new design concepts and make the interface more functional and aesthetically pleasing.

At the moment, we have created more than 30 new screens, and we plan to increase this number up to 100 soon.

We strive to bring you efficient tools and comfortable conditions for participating in the ever-changing world of DeFi. Stay tuned to learn more about our updates!

