Benefits of Static Site Generation

Marius Ibsen
Dfind Consulting
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2020
Think of a static website as if we were sitting at a sushi belt in a restaurant. Instead of waiting for the good pieces to come past use at our seat, we can choose precisely the sushi pieces we want right away, ready served. Photo by:

Single-Page Applications (SPA’s, or dynamic) and server-based, also called Server Side Rendered (SSR) applications, are probably the most popular ways to create websites these days. But also Static Site Generation (SSG) has become very popular in the past years.

When we need a fast, simple, secure, and cheap website, our next project should be using Static Site Generation.

Static vs. dynamic websites

To begin with, we should clear up what the main differences between a static generated website and dynamic websites are:

A static website is pre-built (on the server) and fetched once on the client without a server.

  • Static-generated sites are just a bunch of HTML files. The site may be updated and re-build when publishing new content through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or when pushing new features. With static site generation, websites become fast; they are easy to publish and secure! We will drill deeper into these benefits later on.

A dynamic website is when files are changed on the server and fetched on the client on each change.

  • Dynamic sites consist of a backend with servers and databases. The site’s content changes dynamically and needs to interact with a database to generate the files “on the fly.” Also, the site needs to fetch the content every time someone revisits the site. Dynamic sites are harder to maintain and less reliable.

Benefits of Static Site Generation

Dynamic and statically generated websites are suitable for different types of applications. Static Generation has unique features for creating a website with few dependencies, and suites better when meeting business goals is crucial.

We will look at eight benefits that SSG provide, whereas dynamic websites are not quite as good:

No need for a backend developer

We won’t need a backend developer to make an SSG website. Content Administrators and Writers can maintain a Content Management System that stores and have manageable content. Also, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a great place to upload our static files.

Better reliability

We won’t receive irritating error messages like “500 Internal Server Error.” on an SSG website. The only possible time we will get errors is when the hosting provider gets issues, which rarely happens. Besides that, our website will not have downtime or be unavailable. We will also not need to worry about dynamically scaling our servers or databases.


With Static Site Generation comes simplicity. They require no servers or databases. Some JavaScript frameworks, like React-based ones NextJS or GatsbyJS and SvelteJS, provide build-in support and help us generate, minify, and bundle static HTML files at build time. The static files can easily change or move from one hosting service to another.


Static Site Generation gives excellent performance and is fast. We won’t need to wait for many spinners [or skeletons] to tell the user that something is on the way and will replace it at some point.

Think of a static website as if we were sitting at a sushi belt in a restaurant. Instead of waiting for the good pieces to come past use at our seat, we can choose precisely the sushi pieces we want right away, ready served.


We will have excellent security since we don’t need a database or servers running, and they are vulnerable to security breaches. Compilation of source code and content ahead of time (AoT) makes it impossible for hackers to access our databases, CMS, or servers. Since there are no servers involved, the site is also more resilient to DDoS attacks.

Lower costs

We may choose to upload our static content to services like Netlify, Vercel, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure; these services are also entirely free. Hosting static content is cheap and requires less bandwidth. And since our site will be less vulnerable to security breaches, we may use that left-over-money for other essential business goals instead of thinking of security monitoring.

Improved SEO

Dynamic sites can be complex when we want to optimize our website for search engines. And if it’s crucial for our site and content. The most common problems with dynamic sites are that these are fast at first page-load, but most critical content is fetched and displayed asynchronously.

We get well-optimized content for SEO with pre-rendered content and fast page load. Good SEO optimization will give a low or decreased “bounce rate,” which is the proportion of visitors leaving the website. It also improves search traffic, better lead generation, and customer engagement.


Static Site Generation provides excellent scalability; we cannot always say the same with dynamic sites. So let’s take a scenario where we may have scalability issues with a dynamic site:

  • We have a website that a few visitors typically use. At one point (maybe just a few minutes), the site can be used by thousands of users simultaneously. Maybe we’ve published something that has gone viral — such as news — or a DDoS attack. Such an event can be costly, grow rapidly in volume and take down our servers in the worst case. Such events can cause an unexpectedly large number of server requests and will potentially generate dynamic content for each of the thousands of unexpected users.

Static content and SSG are different: The website is pre-generated, with styles and content. Users only need to download the page’s content that they are visiting.


We should use Static Site Generation when making a blog, landing page, newspaper, hotel booking service, or e-commerce store. On some occasions, we may even combine dynamic and static content, where our public pages as static pre-rendered content and internal or user-oriented pages are dynamic.

When running an online newspaper, combing dynamic and static content might be a good choice. The front pages can be of static content presented on the page to the users as soon as they enter, with main headlines and images, and videos can have a generated GIF instead of loading in a preview. Articles can then be fetched by an identifier (id) in the URL and rendered in a separate application or on a different route on the website that dynamically retrieves the content.

Static Site Generation should be considered over dynamic SPA’s if any of the abovementioned points are crucial for our organization, whether costs, user experience, or performance.

Thanks for reading!

Code foh shizzle

