Inside DFINITY, a Mini-Documentary About the People developing the DFINITY Protocol

Arthur Falls
The Internet Computer Review
2 min readMar 2, 2018

In October 2017, prior to becoming Director of Communications, I visited the DFINITY hacker house to spend time with the ever growing team and learn a bit more about what was going on inside the project. This small segment is cut together from interviews filmed with several team members that day. It’s a piece of amateur content that provides insight into what it’s like to work at DFINITY, and the mindset of the first few people who elected to make the project their own.

The DFINITY team has been a tremendous source of educational assistance and raw material for content production. They have appeared in numerous podcasts over the years, pushing the frontier of thought in secure distributed computing and digital assets. To list a handful:

The Ether Review #16 — Dominic Williams, Synthetic Assets

The Ether Review #42 — Dominic Williams, Dfinity and Infinite Scaling

Epicenter Episode 157: DFINITY — The Quest for a Decentralized Cloud

The Ether Review #53 — Dan Boneh, Master Cryptographer (Timo Hanke assisted in the preparation for this interview)

The Third Web #4 — DFINITY Consensus

Zero Knowledge #14 — Diving Deep into DFINITY

Keep listening, and expect more to come from this amazing team.

