Internet Computer Updates: Demand for Nodes, OpenChat White Paper, Demergent Labs’ Grand Plan

A digest of the latest developments within the Internet Computer ecosystem and ICP community.

Bob Bodily, PhD
The Internet Computer Review
2 min readOct 19, 2022


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🚨 Register for the IC builders meetup in LA on October 20! And a London IC meetup on November 9! 🚨

ICP Ecosystem



  • IC Kitties have redesigned the collection for Paws Arena. Beta release is coming soon to holders, read the article.
  • IC Socks, with famous names from the Internet Computer, are coming to Entrepot.
  • Adult IC Dinos are ready! You can grow your teen-ager into an adult. Adults are required for the upcoming game.
  • NFTs for newbies, Twitter Spaces workshop with Easy Steve coming Oct 17.
  • Ludo teases some Cherry Punks? on Twitter.
  • ICP Bunny has opened McDominic’s Burger Shop. Buy a Burger with some $carrots.
  • Community Discord server is now open for Duo ICyber Skulls.
  • Plethora.Game session in progress for Moonwalker and Dfinity Space Ape holders.

Getting to know you

  • Infinity Swap AMA with CrowdFund NFT and Co-host @Nopointproven.

Recently Minted

Upcoming Mints

  • Oct 20 — Cthulhu minting on Yumi.

Recent Governance Proposals

  1. Register Known Neuron | BUG FIXED: Adding Isaac Valadez [attempt #2] (
  2. Register Known Neuron | Krzysztof Żelazko (
  3. Register Known Neuron | Kryze (


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