Internet Computer Updates: 32 GiB Canister Storage, BTC Integration Update, and Canister Sandboxing Audit

A digest of the latest developments within the Internet Computer ecosystem and ICP community.

Bob Bodily, PhD
The Internet Computer Review
4 min readOct 27, 2022


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ICP Ecosystem



  • ICP Flowers are on-chain and getting ready. See some unique 1/1’s. BTC Flower snapshot for ICP Flowers drop was scheduled for Oct 26 at 1pm UTC. Wallets needed to have 1 BTC Flower and 1 ETH Flower to be entitled for ICP Flower drop. On Sunday Oct 30 at 1pm UTC there will be Dutch Auction for ICP Flowers as well as the airdrop to BTC & ETH Flower holders.
  • Boxy Land sale has been rescheduled for Nov 12.
  • IC Ghost NFT staking to earn $GHOST has been launched by IC Pxy.
  • On-chain phygital assests are coming from Astronautics HQ for their amiibo-lego styled Nauts figures.
  • Game teaser from Eimolad showing the beginning of their fighting mechanics.
  • ETH Flower has surpassed 80k in sales volume and gained the #4 spot on Entrepot ahead of IC Punks.
  • Poked Bots share another wonderful sneak peak at some Gen 2 Bots.
  • The latest episode of Dfinity Pill covers a lot: NFT Geek Update, Poked Studio 1:1 Art NFT collection and more.
  • Cubetopia Islands are selling fast and the floor is rising.
  • Avocado Research NFT 7-month update on Buybacks, Lotteries and Neuron balance.
  • BTC Flower drops a Soulbound Token to celebrate their IRL clothing collaboration with IRO Paris.
  • Cool review of NFT projects over the past year from Entrepot.
  • More progress from IC Dinos on their upcoming Survival game. Take a sneak peak at the map.
  • $DOGMI drop coming to ICPCS holders that have at least 1 NFT staked on ICDM by Nov 9.
  • Boxy Land sale is coming Nov 1 to MemeCake. Boxy Land is purchased with $BOXY tokens.
  • Plethora dropped 100 Singularity Time NFTs as game rewards. Singularity Time Episode 1 NFTs give you access to view episode 1 of the animated series on Portal. Current floor price is 14.5.

Recently Minted

  • FLEUR, Cybermob, Block Busters, Daynerds, CRYPTO CLOUDS, ICPDIAMONDS are minting on Entrepot.
  • MagicShoujo is minting on Yumi.
  • Dracarys free mint just ended on MemeCake. Current floor is .17.
  • Demonic Singularity is minting on Yumi.
  • Soulshards is minting on Entrepot.

Upcoming Mints

Open Governance Proposals

  1. Register Known Neuron | ICPstakingNFT (
  2. Motion to introduce canister timers

Recent Governance Proposals

  1. Register Known Neuron | Always Rejects (
  2. Motion | Force-Lock Seed Investors’ Neurons for 8 Years (
  3. Motion | Economic Stewardship Proposal (
  4. Motion to introduce composite queries
  5. Register Known Neuron | Nicolas.ic / ICPbicycle (
  6. Register Known Neuron | Register Known Neuron — (
  7. Register Known Neuron | CF Ventures (


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