New on YouTube: INSIDE DFINITY šŸ“ŗ

CĆ©dric Waldburger
The Internet Computer Review
3 min readAug 3, 2018


CĆ©dric here ā€” Iā€™ve been a part of DFINITY for quite some time. Back in 2016, I worked with Dominic Williams and other members of the team to launch the DFINITY Foundation and have worked on various initiatives since. Going forward Iā€™ll be producing a series of videos to give you a look behind the scenes at DFINITY.

Iā€™m leading outreach efforts ā€” specifically with the developer and mining communities. Iā€™m very excited about what DFINITY technology will make possible and how it can impact our lives. One of the things that fascinates me about the blockchain world is how quickly it evolves. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll document some of our progress as part of a new community initiative.

Today weā€™re launching INSIDE DFINITY!

In these videos, Iā€™ll highlight some of the following topics:


The goal of these videos is to educate anyone whoā€™s interested in our project and give them an easy entry into the blockchain world. Ultimately, my goal is to get anyone from ā€˜no blockchain knowledge at allā€™ to deploying their first application on to the DFINITY chain. Weā€™ll explain general concepts like ā€œByzantine Fault Toleranceā€ and DFINITY-specific topics like ā€œWhat is Threshold Relay?ā€.

People Behind DFINITY

Iā€™m proud of the people I have the chance to work with ā€” I get to spend every day with some of the smartest people Iā€™ve ever met. Iā€™d like you to meet some of them through my lens, especially, since you are probably interacting with some of them in one way or another.

Who is Mike that I talk to on Telegram? How did Dominic come up with the vision for DFINITY? Where in the world do people live that work on DFINITY?

Who are the members of the community? And why do many people gravitate toward DFINITY?

How will DFINITY change the world?

I truly believe that a decentralized infrastructure will make a critical difference in many important areas of our lives ā€” from identity to education and insurance. I will cover some of the projects and ideas that build upon DFINITY technology and, of course, also shine some light on projects that evolve from within the DFINITY community.


Ask questions in our community channel ā€” get answers!
At least once weekly Iā€™ll either answer some questions myself or Iā€™ll interview a team member. If you have any questions that youā€™d like me to address in an upcoming Q&A Session, please submit them here.

Behind the Scenes

What happens behind the doors of a fast growing startup? What are the ups and downs we face? Whatā€™s going on behind the stage at a conference? Iā€™ll try to share a glimpse into some of these experiences.

What are Others Building?

This is one of my favourite categories ā€” covering what the community is creating with the tech and tools weā€™re building. Weā€™ll do hands-on videos with the developers and miners who will share their experience, advice and best practices.

Iā€™ve recently conducted a personal experiment: A 91-day vlogging challenge as a way to become better at storytelling, sharing ideas and getting feedback. What started as an experiment has become a valuable part of my life. Producing and sharing videos has been an interesting way to get feedback on my thoughts in various areas of my life.

Iā€™ve decided to continue vlogging although in a more focused area.

Thatā€™s it! I canā€™t wait to get started and take you all Inside DFINITY.
Some episodes are already live.
Head over to Youtube to watch them and please subscribe!

For more on DFINITY, join the community on one of these channels:



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