The ICP.Lab Experience: InfinitySwap Talks Building on the Internet Computer With DFINITY

Highlights from InfinitySwap’s participation in the intensive program at DFINITY HQ as told by CEO Max Chamberlin.

The Internet Computer Review
3 min readNov 7, 2022


InfinitySwap is a DeFi platform built on the Internet Computer blockchain that aims to bring BTC, ETH, and ICP together for fast, affordable, and secure token swapping, staking, and creation. With features like the native Bitcoin integration and HTTPS outcalls on the Internet Computer, InfinitySwap is poised to break through the DeFi space.

The project was co-founded by Cambridge graduates Max Chamberlin and Alessandro (Alex) Rietmann, whose expertise includes computer science, high-performance networks, and cybersecurity. They recently participated in the ICP.Lab program, an intensive week-long session with engineers and researchers at the DFINITY Foundation’s headquarters in Zürich.

Here are some highlights and snapshots of their participation in the program as recounted by Max…

The ICP.Lab experience

It was an absolutely fantastic experience to get to meet the different members of the DFINITY team and to see what a research powerhouse they are. It greatly helped us improve our understanding of how to use the IC, which was great. It made us feel like we were becoming a deeper part of the community. Going to events, having dinners with people at the foundation, and being a part of the opening of the new research center — it was excellent.

ICP.Lab is not just about the week

It’s not just about the week we spent there, the support continues. We are in constant touch with the team on a regular level, and they are available to help out in case we face some issues and to give us regular feedback. It’s definitely made us connect on a deeper level with the DFINITY Foundation for the long term.

Top takeaways from ICP.Lab

For us meeting the foundation, getting exposure to the different teams and what they could provide was a great experience. For example, we really got some help on the security side of things. We presented what we had developed, and some team members had some security suggestions that were really useful. Overall acceleration of our milestones was a great takeaway for us.

Different aspects of the program

I think it’s two aspects — although R&D and technology was the larger part of what we did at ICP.Lab, but there were all those other parts of how to run a business too. One could have a chat with the finance team for token creation and what things to keep in mind, one can meet people in the operations or on HR side if one is looking to expand the team, and DFINITY could help out. So it’s really about looking at the business holistically. Not just from a technological angle.

InfinitySwap’s evolution after ICP.Lab

The ICP.Lab program has definitely influenced the future milestones of InfinitySwap. The intense engagement with the DFINITY teams greatly helped to accelerate the project roadmap. Also looking at the developments happening on the Internet Computer helped us add and fine-tune some parts of the roadmap as well.

Advice for future ICP.Lab applicants

It’s important to know when to apply for the program. A good point to come in is when you are already working on a project, you probably have a demo ready to show to the DFINITY teams, and you have concrete questions for how you can take your product to the next level and what needs to be done to accelerate. That would probably be the best stage to join ICP.Lab.

Apply now to join ICP.Lab and participate in tailored coaching and workshops with DFINITY staff at the foundation’s research center in Zurich.


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