Tungsten Demo Day Recap: An Early Look at Internet Computer Projects

The Internet Computer Review
5 min readSep 21, 2020

The event showcased the creativity, innovation, and progress that we’ve seen since we opened access to the Tungsten Developer Network.

As activity on the Tungsten Developer Network continues to grow, we’ve been amazed to see the unfolding of so many interesting projects that are designed for the Internet Computer blockchain. To spotlight some of these initiatives and offer them direct developer support, we organized a special showcase: Tungsten Demo Day.

The event gave 10 of the most promising teams building on the Internet Computer an opportunity to present their ideas to a friendly, receptive audience and receive feedback. Their projects spanned a wide variety of use cases, ranging from social impact initiatives to marketplaces to decentralized financial services. It was especially noteworthy that the teams were able to accomplish so much in the brief span since July 1, when we opened access to Tungsten.

Get started writing code for the Internet Computer — download the DFINITY Canister SDK here.

Each of the presentations, held before a judging panel on Sept. 17, reflected the creativity, innovation, and progress that we’ve seen from early adopters of the Internet Computer from around the world. The judges included DFINITY founder and chief scientist Dominic Williams, Beacon Fund lead Artia Moghbel, engineering manager Stanley Jones, and Alexa Smith, who manages DFINITY’s developer partner program.

Surprisingly enough, the event culminated in a tie, with the selection of two winning teams:


Sailfish is a decentralized financial exchange with a social component that’s designed to bridge other assets (such as ETH) into the Internet Computer. Users can trade, borrow, and lend assets, as well as collaborate and chat with community members on the application.

You can check out Sailfish on Github, Twitter, and the application’s website.

Get Impact Now

The developers behind Get Impact Now are building a platform for political exchange and engagement that utilizes the Internet Computer’s unique characteristics to tackle some of today’s most pressing social and political issues. The initiative implements the findings of a report on digital democracy and political engagement, aiming to promote transparency in consensus-building, trusted and accurate information, and public participation and accountability.

You can check out Get Impact Now on Github.

We were also very impressed by the other Demo Day teams, which included:


Syra is a web-based digital audio workstation that enables people located around the world to collaborate on music production in real-time. Users are equipped with a professional studio toolkit with a seamless plugin interface, as well as chat, video, and project management features. Syra won the audience favorite award during the Tungsten Demo Day.

The Github repo for the project is currently private.

Secrets Market

Secrets Market is a digital marketplace where users can upload files that can be anonymously and securely sold to third parties after being appraised and verified.

You can check out Secrets Market at its website.

DFINITY NNS (Network Nervous System) Explorer

The DFINITY NNS (Network Nervous System) Explorer aims to provide visibility into the Internet Computer’s on-chain governance system, including neuron details, proposals, and the rewards earned from the system.

Please note that this project is currently a proof-of-concept. The DFINITY Foundation will announce more details about the NNS during the upcoming Sodium launch event on Sept. 30.

You can check out the DFINITY NNS Explorer on Github.


Bonus is a next-generation loyalty system that allows companies to create and distribute rewards to customers, who can then redeem, transfer, and exchange these rewards with others.

You can check out Bonus on Github.

Open Discourse

Open Discourse is the first fully comprehensive and machine-readable corpus of the meeting minutes of the Bundestag, the German parliament.

You can check out Open Discourse on Twitter and its website.


Canistore is a digital media service provider, which is governed and powered by a community of audio/visual content creators, subscribers, and advertisers.

You can check out Canistore on Twitter. The Github repo for the project is currently private.

Internet Computer Queue System

The Internet Computer Queue System bridges the Internet Computer to legacy systems, such as email.

The Github repo for the project is currently private.

Project Open Science

Project Open Science is an open platform for researchers to collaborate on scientific research.

The Github repo for the project is currently private.


These projects are just a glimpse of the ventures taking shape on the Tungsten Developer Network. To get access and begin programming for the Internet Computer, apply here.

We very much look forward to hosting more Demo Days to continue highlighting the ingenuity and inventiveness of early adopters who are building on the Internet Computer.

Register for access to the Internet Computer’s Sodium Developer Network at dfinity.org/sodium.

Join our developer community and start building at forum.dfinity.org.



The Internet Computer Review

The Internet Computer is a revolutionary blockchain that hosts unlimited data and computation on-chain. Build scalable Web3 dapps, DeFi, games, and more.