What’s the secret to programming in Motoko? A Motoko Bootcamp experience

Inside Dark Studio
The Internet Computer Review


The Motoko Bootcamp, held from May 8th to 14th, emerged as a large-scale event within the Internet Computer Blockchain, with massive participation from Latin America, especially Argentina. Organized by Code & State, the event took place worldwide in an online format, while featuring physical presence in different locations around the globe, including the Motoko Bootcamp Buenos Aires Community Gathering organized by Inside Dark Studio, which brought together over 60 developers in-person at the Centro Cultural San Martín in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

What were the main challenges faced?

While in-person attendance posed a challenge for many due to work and academic obligations, a hybrid option was implemented to allow participants to choose the most convenient schedules and days. Some courageous individuals even traveled over 400 kilometers every day to be present at this unprecedented event.

However, one of the biggest challenges for most participants was setting up the proper environment for programming in Motoko, as the majority of Latin America relies on Windows, an OS that doesn’t natively support DFX. The initial days were intense, with the team providing assistance for nearly 24 hours to both in-person and virtual attendees. Nevertheless, perseverance and mutual support enabled participants to overcome obstacles and make progress in their learning journey.

How was the week at the community gathering?

The week started off slowly, particularly because many participants had not yet completed the Motoko environment setup. However, thanks to the advanced students generously helping others struggling with the initial configurations, a sense of camaraderie quickly formed. This fostered a friendly atmosphere, where inside jokes and memes, such as the project name meme, became part of the experience. In fact, our team name ended up being “Guiso de Pollo”, reflecting our shared love for chicken stew. By the end of the week, we became the team with the highest number of graduates (22) and the highest score (80), surpassing the other teams. While it wasn’t a team competition, this achievement showcased that “Guiso de Pollo” truly was the best dish at the bootcamp!

What’s the secret to programming in Motoko?

The coffee break — well, not just for programming in Motoko but for life in general. Taking a break from work allows the mind to rest and find solutions to challenges. That’s why we established a special space called the “Code and Coffee Lounge.” Participants could enjoy various meals while sharing ideas and experiences. However, coffee remained the star, as whenever someone encountered a block, they simply took a moment to enjoy a cup of coffee and returned with a solution in hand.

Does the Motoko Bootcamp set a milestone for gender inclusion?

One of Inside Dark Studio’s internal goals is to support gender inclusion in the tech world, and the Motoko Bootcamp was no exception. The event saw the participation of female programmers, demonstrating their commitment to diversity and equal opportunities. We are pleased to announce that we now have Latin American women graduating as Motoko programmers!

What’s next for the bootcamp graduates?

Following this intense week of learning and camaraderie, the graduates are now immersed in the job interview process with Talent DB. They hold great hope of entering the Internet Computer ecosystem and becoming key players within the industry. Additionally, Inside Dark Studio has selected two outstanding interns from the Buenos Aires bootcamp, who will have the opportunity to work and grow alongside the talented team at Inside Dark Studio.

The Motoko Bootcamp was an exhausting yet beautiful experience, bringing a part of the ICP (Internet Computer Protocol) spirit to Latin America. This event not only fostered learning and skill improvement but also strengthened the bonds among participants, laying the foundation for a promising future in the field of technology.

Inside Dark Studio continues to lead the way in talent training and development in the region, firmly believing in Internet Computer and its future full of possibilities, not only for the gaming industry but also for other sectors. The success of the Motoko Bootcamp is a clear testament to this bright future and IDS’s commitment to innovation and the tech community that represents Internet Computer. We eagerly await future editions of this event, where we can witness further growth and the impact of technology in Latin America.

Special thanks to Centro Cultural San Martín, Dfinity, Codo a Codo, Code & State, and everyone who made the Motoko Bootcamp possible.



Inside Dark Studio
The Internet Computer Review

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