Must Read Blockchain Reports — April 2020

Francisco Rodríguez
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2020

A review of the top research reports in the emerging tech landscape.

dGen Must Read Research Reports over EU stars with a blob
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So far, in 2020, the COVID-19 has caused a seemingly inevitable disruption in every corner of the world, and April was lived in lockdown. However, it seems that this pandemic has not disrupted research, and the last 30 days were very active, resulting in a bunch of releases.

Our Research Team picked covers of the most relevant Emerging Tech Reports released in April. This is an initiative that we will keep rolling so we can all keep up to date, and don’t miss any releases! Do you think we missed any? Please, let us know in the comments!

All together, we empower society to shape the future.

Find below the report’s links:

1. EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

2. European Parliamentary Research Service

3. European Parliament

4. Bank for International Settlements — BIS & World Bank

5. World Economic Forum

6. Financial Stability Board (FSB)

7. World Economic Forum

8. Bank for International Settlements — BIS

9. Blockchain Research Institute

10. dGen

11. Bloomberg

12. PwC

13. The Economist

14. PwC

15. PwC

16. Deloitte Digital US

If you’re interested in partnering with us on a future report, please get in touch at



Francisco Rodríguez
Writer for

Digital Marketer at Hype.Partners, the leading community management & marketing agency for blockchain projects. Educating about blockchain at @dGen.