Sparking Interest, Blockchain & Fellowship Programme

With Carlos Gómez

Akash Sinha
3 min readSep 17, 2020


Carlos in a red cloud of the EU stars with ‘Sparking Interest, Blockchain & Fellowship’. dGen logo in the corner
Read Carlos’ insights in “CBDCs: Geopolitical Ramification of a Major Digital Currency”.

As part of our goal of curating research that matters to innovators at the forefront of emerging technology, we’ve created a community of experts to weigh-in on our reports. These Fellows collaborate throughout our research process and provide us with invaluable insights and quotes. As the network has grown, we want to take some time to highlight the individuals who make up this community.

Carlos Gómez is from Australia, a fellow blockchain enthusiast who works at CryptoRecruit as a talent acquisition manager. He is also a brand new member of dGen’s Fellowship Programme. He shared some insight into what got him interested in blockchain and what appealed to him most about our Fellowship Programme.

Hello Carlos, we are delighted to have you onboard. Could you please walk us through your experience in the tech field?

And thanks so much for having me; it is a real pleasure to be part of your organization.

I could say that my tech and crypto journey and blockchain, in particular, started when I was at Sydney University studying Law back in 2015 when one day, I started looking for innovative areas of Law to practice.

That night, I did a Google search, and the term “Smarts Contracts” came up at the top of the results. At that time, I thought, ‘Oh, that must be something like Contract Law but in a smart way’. Obviously, I was right but for the wrong reasons. It is interesting that because of that, I discovered Ethereum before Bitcoin.

In any case, since that day, I haven’t looked back.

You are currently living and working in Florida. What drove you to be involved in researching the European tech ecosystem?

Great question; I am an Aussie and, as you say, living and working in Florida, which allows me to meet very successful entrepreneurs and be exposed to cutting-edge business concepts, but what not too many people know is that I am also a Spaniard and hence, European.

And that’s why the focus of dGen appeals to me.

Having the chance to meet fellow blockchain professionals from Europe and share my views obtained in different latitudes to contribute to the development of Europe’s ecosystem is something of critical importance to me.

Finally, I am sure we will get the opportunity to discuss at length the deep understanding and consciousness of all Europeans concerning the promotion of Human Rights, which is the primary goal of a project I am leading at the moment.

Well, thanks for lending to our decentralisation. You are currently working at CryptoRecruit, what are they focused on?

Cryptorecruit is a fascinating company; I had been involved with the founder, Neil, and the rest of the team pretty much since its inception back in 2017.

CryptoRecruit is a recruitment agency that focuses on searching talent for blockchain and crypto companies around the world. All the talent managers are experts in the topic and are very experienced in different applicable technologies.

You recently collaborated with us on our latest report, “CBDCs: Geopolitical Ramifications of a Major Digital Currency”. Are you happy with that process?

Absolutely, I think dGen did a great job by doing thorough research and putting together the opinion of all the fellows involved in this report. Also, I shared the document with all my network, and the feedback has been excellent.

Although the Fellowship Programme recently kicked off, would you recommend it to those who want to boost tech adoption through research?

I would strongly recommend any blockchain professional passionate about the topic and wants to contribute to the development and mass education of the technology, especially in Europe, to consider joining the Fellowship Programme at dGen seriously.

Thanks, Carlos, for sharing your thoughts and welcome aboard. Even though our focus is on Europe, blockchain was founded on the principle of decentralisation, so we are happy to integrate the views and expertise of contributors globally.



Akash Sinha
Writer for

Akash has a background in digital marketing and works on UX and UI design. His passion is technological development, and he is currently exploring where emergin