Introducing dGoods

Rudy Koch
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2019

The future of blockchain is bright, and at the center of it all is a diverse and innovative group of developers with an equally diverse set of needs.

Blockchain is bringing about a new economy of digital goods. At Mythical Games, we refer to this new economy as the Player-Owned Economy; an economy where players and consumers can have true ownership over the digital assets they purchase. This paradigm is quickly washing up against many industries, and in the years to come, we will see hundreds of millions of digital items created, bought, and sold on the blockchain.

The core group of teams behind dGoods came together over a common goal to establish standards around digital goods in the blockchain industry. Our vision is to create an open source and free standard for handling all types of virtual items on any blockchain; and we’re rolling it out on EOS first.

Creating meaningful standards and best practices is a critical part of the evolution of any technology. When it comes to blockchain technology, we are very much in an early adopter phase. And in order to break into the mass market and drive adoption, we must support a thriving community of developers. Standards like the dGoods standard will play a critical role in achieving exactly that while providing the necessary support developers need to build great products and rich marketplaces.

What does the dGoods standard offer?

dGoods is a logical extension of the standard EOS token with the addition of significant functionality improvements that will allow teams to easily integrate and display virtual items.

Metadata Templates for 3d and 2d assets

The digital goods landscape is as diverse as it gets, and with the dGoods standard, we wanted to provide a flexible and comprehensive standard that could address a diverse range of digital item requirements.

Part of the dGoods standard involves specifying templates for metadata depending upon the type of digital good you’re working with. If the token is for a game, coupon, ticket, music file, piece of art, etc., standard templates can be created so that wallets will be able to render and display the relevant information, images, and even 3d objects. This allows for a wide array of digital asset types to be supported while providing the development community a flexible toolset to work with.

Certificate of Authenticity

True ownership is at the heart of the new player-owned economy that’s emerging from blockchain technology. With the certificate of authenticity, we provide developers an additional way to integrate proof of ownership into their tokenized digital goods.

Like with physical real-world objects, digital objects need a certificate of authenticity. In order to support a thriving economy of digital goods, it’s critical we give consumers confidence in their purchases. Built into dGoods is the ability to have immutable fields describing the object’s attributes that make up the certificate of authenticity. This will also allow developers to display a graphical representation to consumers as proof of the item’s attributes including things like its brand, creator, or rarity.

Multiple categorized tokens in one token contract

In a world where digital goods will be a major commodity, being able easily and efficiently manage large quantities of items is critical. Other token standards have one token with one contract. If a developer wants to issue different types of tokens, it has to be done through multiple contracts. This not only increases complexity but also cost. To address this, the dGoods standard has one token symbol per contract, but allows the creation of many sub-tokens.

As a further step, the dGoods standard allows these sub-tokens to be assigned a category, a token name, and tags which will allow wallets, exchanges and dApps to organize, filter, and display tokenized assets with ease. All of this can then be packed into one single transaction, allowing for developers and users to move groups of tokens around quickly and efficiently.

Fungible and non-fungible in one contract

As we explored the world of tokenized digital goods, we quickly realized that a single focus on NFT standards was not enough. Other standards only support fungible or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, many dApps and games will inevitably want to support both types of tokens. The dGoods standard will have the benefit of defining sub-tokens within one contract, while giving developers the freedom to make some of them fungible and others non-fungible. dGoods looks leverage the strengths of blockchain, capitalizing on concepts like verifiable scarcity, and allowing for the emergence of thriving embedded secondary marketplaces.

Open Source

The dGoods standard is an open and free standard initially for the EOS development community but is open for other blockchains to adopt. The standard will roll out first on the EOS mainnet. No other tokens are required to use the standard.

What’s next?

As of this post, we are deep into the design of the dGoods v0.1 spec, and actively preparing it for public release in the next couple of weeks.

In parallel, we are currently working on a dGoods roadmap that includes a v2 and v3 to follow our initial release of v0.1.

We are collaborating with many talented teams to build out the necessary infrastructure to support dGoods across a wide array of products and applications. We intend to open source all these tools once they are ready.

If you have any questions about dGoods, or if you are a team who wants to join the dGoods initiative, you can find us on telegram at: or visit us at

The teams behind dGoods are: Mythical Games, EOS Lynx, Scatter, Token Pocket, pixEOS, Cypherglass,, Math Wallet, Infiniverse, and Greymass



Rudy Koch
Editor for

Passionate advocate for Web3 games. Co-Founder Fenix Games / Co-Founder of Mythical Games