Distributed Governance Conference Athens — Postponed —

Tim Bansemer
DGOV Foundation Blog
4 min readOct 2, 2018

The Distributed Governance Conference planned for December 7th-9th in Athens will be postponed to June 2019.

Dear Community,

This is not an easy announcement for us to make. After speaking with the sponsors, advisors, the organizing team, and the the broader community, it has become clear that hosting the event in December is not going to be optimal for the community.

There have been so many conferences scheduled this year, two conferences in fact were causing direct scheduling conflicts with our planned dates (the Latin American Bitcoin Conference and ETHSingapore). We realized that a large part of the community wants to take it a bit slower and spend the end of the year with their family and friends.

Having the conference in June will enable our team to execute a thorough budgeting plan as well as enable broad participation from community leaders that share our vision of distributed governance.

How does the world look like you want to live in?

Meet us in Athens June 2019

The power to distribute decision making is more and more acknowledged as a social challenge, we need strong collaboration to build fully distributed systems. Having more time to coordinate with all the different communities we want to bridge, will help us to bring everyone together in June 2019 in Athens (it’s a lovely time to be in Athens).

We are shifting the format to be a 4-day conference. Organizing it more like a festival than a top down conference. We wish to have it align with multiple community curated tracks (all connected to blockchain) including:“Future of Society”-Track (How do we want to live with each other?), “Academic Track”, “Blockchain Protocol Governance”, “DApp and DAO Governance” (“Governance Frameworks”), A “Legal Track” and more.

How can we create fully distributed systems? How do we distribute the governance?


While June seems to be far away, there are many events along the way which contribute to the governance debate helping to make it visible.

We are in touch with the stakeholders of these events and we’ll be working closely with them to make sure the governance debate continues and that the dgov summit is a platform that encompasses the thoughts and opinions expressed throughout the ecosystem over the next months. Please announce any relevant events on distributed governance on the community curated list.

Our goal is to include practitioners (e.g. Loomio, Pol.is), legal and policy makers, as well as projects like Aragon, DaoStack and many more. Webcasts and smaller events will help give us insight into their experiences and perspective on distributed governance.

Let’s get inspired by them and develop #dgov2019 together.

If you have ideas and/or suggestions on hosting, planning and executing DGov2019 please feel free to share here.

At this time we would like to thank our sponsors and early supporters who have helped us this far and continue to support us on our adventure of distributed governance! Without your support we would not be capable of putting this together, your support means a lot to us.

Important note for all those who bought tickets- There will be a full refund of all Tickets until end of October, no further action is required to be refunded.

Keep updated via twitter @dgovearth and our website https://dgov.earth

We are looking forward to see you in Athens! — the #DGov19 Team

Athens — lovely in June. Symbolic place to connect to the origin of direct political participation.

Special thanks to the heroes of distributed governance:

Jarrad Hope, Vitalik Buterin, Alex Gladstein, zooko, Even Duffield, Daniel Larimer, Fluffy Pony, Lane Rettig, Griff Green, Vlad Zamfir, Andy Tudhope, Jack du Rose, Matan Field, Dean Eigenmann, Luis Cuende, Noah Pierau, Clément Lesaege, Boris Mann, Will Ethridge, Thomas Greco, Simon de la Rouviere, Jae Kwon, Martin Köppelmann, Greg Meredith and many more… and the many wonderful related projects.

Tim Bansemer

In dgov foundation we’re forming the community around the distributed governance from practitioners, providers, academics and policymakers.

Support the Movement!

If you’re enthusiastic about the distributed governance — go give us a hand. Here’re some hot links on #dgov network:



Tim Bansemer
DGOV Foundation Blog

Humancentric scalable and secure distributed computation. Distributed governance. Global consciousness. I love humans. Current project: http://dgov.earth