The Cult of Mother Teresa had to Obviously Culminate in this Horror

Sandeep Balakrishna
The Dharma Dispatch Annexe
8 min readJul 17, 2018


For what it’s worth, the lid over the squalid moral and spiritual sewer that goes by the name of Missionaries of Charity, has blown off for the umpteenth time. For long-time watchers of the Church’s doings across the globe, this isn’t really surprising. But it doesn’t make my heart bleed any less at every such fresh instance. Here’s the latest revelation:

It was a routine affair for Mother Teresa-founded Missionaries of Charity to sell babies. However, the issue became evident as there were multiple complaints of extortion and smuggling of babies since 2014.

Missionaries of Charity’s centres in Ranchi were flourishing in the business of smuggling babies by systematically working alongside the local police. [MyNation News Report]

I’ve written more times than I can recall about the horrific Cult of “Mother” Teresa but her story needs to be repeated if only to serve as a repeated, constant and eternal warning. Of the untold barbarism that lies at the core of Christian piety.

In fact, but for the guilt-stricken Malcolm Muggeridge, that “old fraud and mountebank” in the words of the iconic Christopher Hitchens, I wouldn’t be writing this piece nor would Christopher Hitchens have taken the trouble of writing perhaps the best expose of Mother Teresa in his devastating “The Missionary Position”.

Three years ago, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat publicly claimed that “her service was rendered with an intention…



Sandeep Balakrishna
The Dharma Dispatch Annexe

Writer. Contributing Editor: Prekshaa Journal. Author: 1. Tipu Sultan: The Tyrant of Mysore. 2. Seventy Years of Secularism. Translator: Aavarana: The Veil.