A Relationship Predicament

Rebirth at Death valley

Deeksha Agrawal
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

You are not allowed to take a look at the last page.

I kept recalling where I read this rule while I was taking my usual evening walk. It was a day chosen for self-reflection. My thoughts kept locking with each other like a messy ball of yarn until I reached a point where I was bothered with how unmanageably jumbled it had become.

I paused and picked the first visible loose end, wanting to untangle them by stepping back, one stage at a time.

I wasn’t expecting it to be simple.

As I held the tip, the first image that appeared was blurred. After filling all gaps with blind guesses, I could ultimately draw the last thought that was running in my head before I sat for this exercise.

Destiny is a journal that opened itself page by page, day after day. One cannot skip directly to the conclusive chapter. It is meant to be unfolded along the journey and there is nothing that you can whine or do about it.

I made peace with the concept and registered it in a part of conscience.

Continuing to sort the interlocked thoughts, the next clear image I pulled out was of a person. He was someone I was hoping to have a future with, but I was anxious to act on the…



Deeksha Agrawal
Mindfully Speaking

programmer | love literature | space of inclusive perspectives | acceptance for all thoughts that could possibly exist in the Universe