These Companies Are Looking To Bring Blockchain To Medical Supply Chain Management

Dusan Belic
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2018

With the use of blockchain, supply chain management could be decentralized, increasing the trust in the process every step along the way.

Blockchain and supply chain are seen by many as a match made in heaven. Major tech companies — such as IBM, SAP, Microsoft and Accenture — are already working on decentralized versions of their supply chain solutions, or are creating new ones from the ground up. Also, some of them are developing universal blockchain solutions that would be able to power a different kind of applications, supply chain management (SCM) included.

When it comes to healthcare, a comprehensive SCM solution may even be mandated by the government, which wants to know that medical supplies and drugs are properly produced and that their production abides to previously defined standards. To put it in other words, supply chain management in the medical setting requires dealing with factors such as regulatory compliance, product security, product damage and/or spoilage…

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