Bulk, from Farmula

Onoruoyiza. A
Certified Fresh
2 min readNov 11, 2020


Q3 was good. We witnessed growth in revenue while maintaining the same number of active customers. Towards the end of Q3, our average basket size increased from $23 to $100.

It is our belief that a suite of solutions driven by tech is useful in improving how food moves from farm to fork. One of our latest is Bulk from Farmula

Sell and Buy in Bulk

We are making it possible for producers to sell in bulk at Farmula. One activity that struck out in our 3rd quarter was bulk selling. Through existing relationships with an already existent farmer base, we were able to carry out produce inspection and sales for farmer harvests.

What we have decided to do is build in response to customer behavior. They want it, we build it.

How does this work?

Our form is very intuitive. We ask producers for a few necessary details so we can carry out early checks, enabling us to sell their goods easily.

We take care of the rest by posting these deals. Our bulk selling offers are deals and will be live across our social media pages and even SMS. This is to ensure active retailers don’t miss out on deals they may be interested in. The goal here is for customers to purchase slots against traditionally buying units. And yes, you’ll also get a bulk discount.

Once your order has been confirmed, you'll receive a notification via SMS or email confirming your payment and your money enters an escrow. Now, depending on your location, accessing your order takes between 24 to 72 hours.

Selling and buying are mobile compatible. Which means you don't need to have a computer to sell or to buy.

Bulk selling goes live in 14 days and early access begins today, you can log on and begin selling and buying, with Bulk, from Farmula.

