Introducing online orders

Onoruoyiza. A
Certified Fresh
2 min readMar 19, 2021


Farmula is accelerating Africa’s transition to a data-driven food supply chain. We are improving the distribution of food from end-to-end along the supply chain by building digital tools that allow producers, distributors, and retailers to interoperate.

Today, we enable distributors to manage their inventories by recording purchases & sales, generating SMS receipts, and getting weekly reports about the health of their businesses. These distributors have a more detailed insight into their margins, their weekly performances, and their best-performing products. The data has always been available in their gut. Only now, it is hard and verifiable.

Retailers on the other hand who buy in bulk from distributors are constantly looking for more convenient ways to restock. They currently have to deal with multiple distributors, multiple calls, and even logistical nightmares to restock. That’s why we are excited to announce online orders.

Online Orders

Distro, our proprietary inventory management tool for distributors now includes online orders. A tab that allows distributors to access orders from retailers anywhere.

How it works

  1. A retailer places an order and specifies key details.
  2. Based on those details, Farmula routes the order to the distributor for confirmation
  3. Once confirmed, we dispatch riders to pick up and deliver. Voila!


  • Easy access to orders from retailers without changing your operations
  • New revenue stream
  • Payment is immediate

The feature is live. If you’re new to Farmula and would like to have early access to Distro, fill this form to get started.

