dHealth’s Latest Update: AppChain | How does it help serve our goal?

Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2023

What is an AppChain?

AppChains are an exciting development in the world of blockchain technology. They are specialized blockchains that offer customized functionality and performance for specific applications, providing greater freedom and control for developers.

Top Benefits of an AppChain

One of the critical benefits of integrating an Appchain is scalability. By reducing competition for block space, AppChains improve the performance and throughput of applications while reducing congestion and fees on the main network, thus creating a more efficient and streamlined ecosystem of applications. AppChains also allow for greater interoperability between applications, thanks to common protocols and standards, fostering a more connected and diverse environment for blockchain innovation.

dHealth’s AppChain — based on Binance Application Sidechain, BAS

Incorporating an AppChain into dHealth’s network using the Binance Application Sidechain (BAS) is a strategic decision allowing for integrating smart contract functionality while maintaining dHealth’s independence. Using BAS as a sidechain framework will provide the necessary infrastructure for building and running custom blockchains that can maintain a connection to the BNB Chain ecosystem. As the healthcare industry is ripe for disruption, dHealth’s decision to incorporate the AppChain can be particularly beneficial. Maintaining a commitment to security and privacy is paramount to the daily generation, exchange, and analysis of large volumes of data in the healthcare sector.

How does dHealth benefit?

By implementing an AppChain based on BAS, dHealth can gain some key benefits:

  • Smart-contract functionality: Leverage the smart-contract capabilities of the BNB Chain protocol, which allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps), enhancing the overall functionality of the platform.
  • Scalability and performance: BAS offers a scalable infrastructure, enabling dHealth to handle many transactions while maintaining low fees and fast processing times, which is beneficial for handling big data and building dApps.
  • Interoperability: The Binance Application Sidechain can facilitate interoperability between dHealth and other blockchain networks or platforms. This promotes seamless data exchange and collaboration among healthcare stakeholders, fostering a more connected and efficient healthcare ecosystem.
  • Access to a larger ecosystem: With an AppChain on BAS, dHealth will have access to an ecosystem with potential collaborations, partnerships, and additional resources such as developers and on-chain liquidity, which can help drive the adoption of dHealth and expand its impact on the healthcare industry.

What’s Next?

To expedite this significant step forward for the dHealth Network, we are going to partner with a well-respected technology and implementation team.

Our move-2-earn application (ELEVATE), an Organ Donor Card, and a Dental Benefits Plan will be among the first applications deployed on the new AppChain. We’ll also provide a bridge from native DHP to BEP20-wrapped DHP for seamless trading.

dHealth will also provide a global healthcare identity, a payment/incentive infrastructure, and access management to healthcare data hosted off-chain by the individual user/patient.

Relieving your concerns

Are we shutting down the Symbol-based network?

Rumors have been that the dHealth network will move away from the current Symbol-based chain, but this is untrue!

Our new AppChain complements the current network and provides the necessary smart contract functionality. It will bring new users and projects, benefiting the dHealth Network and its community. There are no plans to shut down the Symbol-based network. However, it depends on the community how the dHealth Network will evolve. The adoption and utility of the network and the DHP token are the overarching goals, independent of the underlying technology. As a fact, both chains will use the DHP token, the cap is unaltered, and no new network tokens are released.

Why BNB?

As surprising as it sounds, the Binance Application Sidechain offers more freedom its main chain than others because the state is secured by the sidechain validator nodes and not by the main chain. And no, healthdata will neither be stored on BNB Chain nor on the sidechain but decentralized where individual users choose.

Nevertheless, Dr Eberhard Scheuer, the President of dHealth, provides us with the assurance that the foundation continuously studies forthcoming technical advancements expected within the next 24 months and that BNB is the right choice at the moment as it is the biggest blockchain ecosystem by daily users, opening up a potentially large user base for dHealth and liquidity.

“As from a technical point of view,” Dr Scheuer states, “We are not building on the BNB Chain itself, which would (like with any other chain) force us to go into the direction the chain is evolving, including all the politics around it.”

“Moreover, we, or the dHealth users, would also have to handle two tokens DHP and the network token, for transaction fees. A Binance Application Sidechain lets you even run your own set of verifier nodes, making you much more independent than other side chains while benefiting from the BNB Chain ecosystem.”

A Brief Summary of Our Update

In summary, we anticipate excellent outcomes as technical interoperability between chains will improve, and dHealth applications and the DHP token will likely live on multiple chains.

Adding an AppChain for dHealth on the Binance Application Sidechain, among many others, will significantly enhance the platform’s capabilities and promote better health data management and exchange. It allows us to maintain the security and reliability of our network, with the sidechain having its own verifiers for securing the states while also gaining the flexibility and functionality of smart contracts to take our platform to the next level.

The new AppChain will, in turn, bring new users and projects into the dHealth community, benefiting the network as a whole and preserving our main goal: Create a more secure, efficient, and patient-centric healthcare ecosystem.

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dHealth is a layer 1 protocol developed to align the incentives of stakeholders in healthcare by tokenising access, consent and exchange of data.