Introducing the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO

Mike Eli
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2021

After a successful vote from over 300,000 DHT, we are pleased to announce that dHEDGE is transitioning into Phase 1 of the ecosystem DAO in an effort to further decentralize the protocol. The dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO will consist of 5–10 selected council members that have emerged organically from the community and have a shared vision to grow the ecosystem through various strategic initiatives.

These council members will ultimately be key holders who serve as the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO governance body with defined responsibilities, which include:

  • Reviewing growth and community initiatives related proposals that emerge from the ecosystem, and where relevant submitting proposals to the dHEDGE DAO and represent the community in dHEDGE DAO. All proposals will be viewable and open for discussion at, which will ensure budget management is transparent and held to high scrutiny.
  • Members of the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO will serve to run the monthly reward distributions to contributors of sums below USDC 5k (or equivalent in DHT)
  • The council will be open for nomination continuously and changes to appointment will be approved / rejected by the council

The overarching goal of setting up the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO is to move toward providing greater transparency around protocol governance, and to further decentralize the activities within the dHEDGE community. This transition into Phase 1 of the Ecosystem DAO will represent a significant milestone in the pursuit of decentralizing governance.

The initial dHEDGE council members are as follows:

Daniel Bar | Founder at Bitfwd 比特未来 — 区块链创投

“The dHEDGE DAO community has achieved fantastic growth since late 2020, it is now validated with 100% certainty that there is real demand for non-custodial asset management protocols and dHEDGE has become an essential pillar of the decentralized web and the transition to self sovereign finance.

I’m very happy to contribute to the inaugural dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO council alongside a great group of hedgehogs on the internet. I’m looking forward to supporting initiatives by dHEDGE DAO community members.”

Michael Elisha @michaelelisha_ | Head of Growth at Independent Reserve

“I am very pleased to be a part of the next stage of growth for dHEDGE DAO as a council member. It is clear that dHEDGE has developed real product market fit since its launch late last year, as highlighted by the daily growth in both volume and TVL.

This organic growth provides a great foundation for the community to now focus on transitioning to decentralized governance and promoting greater transparency within the ecosystem.”

Ruby Wu (@rubyoneinch) | Founding Partner of Incuba Alpha

DAO is by far the most effective way for ecosystem expansion. We are glad to support dHedge DAO and Japanese and Chinese ecosystem members alongside the great group of hedgehogs all around the world.

Sergei Chan @sereja_chan | Analyst & Investor

I’m excited to see dHEDGE grow by the day both in terms of users and in terms of AUM and volume traded. And I am happy to be a part of this growth both as an early contributor and early portfolio manager. Transition to ecosystem DAO is a very important step in every crypto project and I am honored to be nominated to be a part of it and be able to support and help with community efforts.

Ye @itsahedge | Developer & Core Contributor at dHEDGE

“As a crypto-native and early supporter of dHEDGE, it has been an incredible journey having the opportunity to contribute to the vision of building a decentralized, permissionless asset management protocol.

I’m very excited to be a part of the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO council and look forward to supporting the community efforts and initiatives on the path to further decentralize the governance of the protocol.”

Convex Monster @ConvexMonster | Early Pool Manager at dHEDGE

“As one of the first people to set up a fund on dHedge, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am very excited to be involved as the project takes this step to continue its journey as the premier decentralised fund management protocol in crypto.”

Anett Rolikova @AnettRolikova | Ecosystem Operations at Bitfwd 比特未来 — 区块链创投

“Ideas in your head are a bigger source of wealth than physical capital alone. Everyone has equal opportunity to make millions, but not everyone has the millionaires ideas. I believe that dHEDGE is the idea that is being a source of wealth for people who are getting involved in dHEDGE ecosystem. Transition to DAO governance will give more power and decision making to the hands of the community. I’m thrilled to see dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO growing alongside with my help. ”

These initial dHEDGE council members were formed by selection of key contributors and members of the dHEDGE Ecosystem, moving forward the council will be open to accept nominations for new members

If you have any questions about the dHEDGE Ecosystem DAO and how you can start contributing to the protocol, be sure to join the Hedgehog Community in Discord.

You can also join the monthly community calls here.

More About dHEDGE

dHEDGE is a decentralized asset management protocol connecting the world’s best investment managers with investors on the Ethereum blockchain in a permissionless, non-custodial, trustless fashion. dHEDGE aims to democratize the investing experience leveraging the unique capabilities of Ethereum and Synthetix.

dHEDGE is supported by some of the biggest names in crypto, including Framework Ventures, Three Arrows Capital, BlockTower Capital, DACM, Maple Leaf Capital, Cluster Capital, Lemniscap, LD Capital, IOSG Ventures, NGC Ventures, Bitscale Capital, Divergence Ventures, Genblock Capital, Trusted Volumes, Altonomy, Continue Capital, The LAO, bitfwd (比特未来) and Loi Luu, Co-Founder and CEO of Kyber Network.

Join the dHEDGE community on Discord, Twitter, Telegram English language, Telegram Chinese language and on WeChat.

