Benefits of modular programming and how to avoid spaghetti mess with DhiWise

Pinal Meruliya
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2022

Modular programming is a decades-old concept but in the modern programming era, we can find it a highly relevant and essential factor for building high-quality applications. The modular approach of splitting large software into smaller pieces is closely related to structured programming and object-oriented programming.

The technique of modular programming emphasizes splitting computer programs into independent, interchangeable modules. These modules contain everything essential to execute a single aspect of software functionality.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of modularity, and how DhiWise can help you to implement this approach with ease. But before that let’s understand in detail the concept of modularity and why developers should follow it.

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Why should you follow a modular programming approach?

Modular programming isn’t a new concept, multiple languages support modular programming such as JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and Go. Moreover, the increasing use of libraries, frameworks, and package managers that simplify app development through code sharing and dependency management makes module programming a natural choice.

For the developers working with the older projects, it’s common to get tangled in the complex spaghetti code. This happens because whenever the project is handed over to the new team for modification, some developers may merge code into the original project without fully understanding how it will interact with the new code.

At a particular point, such kinds of projects need complete revamping as they get too complicated with time. So if you have started working on a complex software project from scratch with a team of developers. Then developers need to act early to avoid long-term complexities.

So, how can one write readable code, and what can be the best way to add code to the original project?

The best way to avoid it is by following a modular programming approach, it enables app developers to write clean, readable, and maintainable code with ease.

The benefits of the Modular programming

Modular programming aims to ease software development and maintenance by breaking larger programs into smaller parts. It makes the software development consistent, faster, and flexible.

Let’s look into the benefits of Modular programming,

  1. Make your code readable and easy to understand

Modular programming separates code into functions, each of which deals with a single aspect of overall functionality. It eliminates unnecessary code and makes your app much lighter and easy to understand.

However, splitting code into multiple tiny functions can make modular programming messier therefore it’s important to split the code with care.

Also, describing a function with a descriptive name can help developers to understand the block of code without looking into the comments.

2. Improves code accessibility and sharing

Splitting related code into a single file or library rather than keeping it as a monolithic code improves code accessibility and sharing. Thus, during app development, teammates can quickly access what they are looking for.

Modular programming enables developers to create conventions for file names and location by following specific folder structures, it simplifies navigation through the source code making it a lot easier to look into the specific API, UI, or any other core functionality.

3. Easy to test

The modular programming approach simplifies code testing, as writing tests for small functions is less complicated. Also, the test is much more detailed, which means if anyone doesn’t understand the function or a block of code, they can get a clear idea from the test about what is going under the hood.

4. Reduces the chances of bugs

Modular programming minimizes the risk of programming errors. As each block of code acts as a single source of truth, it makes it easier to spot errors in the code. Even while updating the code for bug fixes, developers need to update only specific functions in the module and everything that uses the function will automatically get updated.

5. Easy code refactoring

Refactoring is a way to restructure internal code without changing its external functionality. It seems too time-consuming if you don’t have modular code. Modularising software code reduces refactoring workload in the long run.

Bring your development process to a whole new level with DhiWise

In the IT field, several developers find it challenging to write clean code and follow a modular programming approach to software development. This happens mostly due to the lack of experience mainly in the fresh starters.

DhiWise- A web and mobile app development platform that aims to empower software developers by accelerating the app development process. The platform not only helps individual developers but a team by enforcing a modular approach to the app development.

It offers an on-platform package manager to access every file needed to develop responsive, scalable, and feature pack apps. You can choose external modules as per the software development lifecycle, and choose the dependency package name and URL, and version number to migrate third-party packages into the system. Moreover, it allows you to select custom scripts in addition to the packages.

Sounds great!

So what are you waiting for? Try DhiWise to experience the enhancement in the ProCode world, and generate reliable, maintainable, and clean code in a few steps with the full flexibility for customization even at the granular level.

