Five Reasons You Should Try DhiWise Today!

Pinal Meruliya
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2021

Summary: DhiWise is an ultra-modern platform for web and mobile app development. Know how digital transformation has influenced the demand for high-quality apps and why DhiWise is the best solution for developers to try today.


Digital transformation and growing app demand

In today’s world, digital transformation is the topmost priority for any organization that must not be delayed. Most of the businesses have already benefited from going online, and others want to follow the same approach.

Organizations already started approaching the broader audience through web and mobile apps and using the same for their product marketing strategy. As the number of such organizations grows, so does the demand for web and mobile apps. However, this is just one side of the coin.

Every business wants to attract more customers through their online presence but simply being online isn’t enough. Customers are too smart; they compare the services, features, and usability of applications. As a result, maintaining app quality is critical for a better user experience.

Developers have more responsibility

Developers are facing multiple responsibilities while building an application and maintaining it across different platforms.

Demand for High quality

Building a high-quality app and maintaining it across multiple platforms(web and mobile) is difficult, but quality reflects the brand image, and therefore it must be uncompromised.

In the case of mobile apps, developers need to consider many things such as mobile devices, screen size, and OS versions to maintain quality.

Speed of app development

The development speed is essential in many ways, including adjusting the app priorities, accelerating the innovation cycle, getting early feedback from users, etc.

Not only that, speed gives the development team satisfaction and confidence as they can deliver value to the customer continuously. Being able to finish each functionality promised to the customers or stakeholders on time is a great benefit.


Salability is crucial for an app’s success. It must be able to handle an increasing number of users as well as changes in business functionality, whether it is a mobile or web app.

Scalability in application reduces maintenance costs, provides a better user experience, and helps to grow the business more.

With the scalable app developers can prepare for future growth while creating a linear product that satisfies current needs without extra complexity.

These are just a few responsibilities that every development team has. There are more, such as code maintenance, sharing, version control, and so on.

To deal with these issues more effectively, developers require a platform that simplifies app development, maintains code quality, and accelerates the entire development process.

Is there any platform?

The answer is yes; DhiWise helps developers to execute their responsibility in the best possible way. The platform is designed to empower developers to build scalable apps faster while maintaining code quality.

Let us discuss the top five reasons why developers should try DhiWise and how it makes developers’ life easier.

Top 5 reasons why developers should try DhiWise

1.Browser-based development and technology support

Developers use different technologies in their development. Installing all these technologies and packages and using them on a single device can strain system hardware resources and consume the developer’s time.

That’s why DhiWise came up with the Browser-based development approach which is centralized and more affordable as it utilizes remote servers resources to run your application.

This platform supports the most popular technologies such as Node.js, Kotlin, React, and MongoDB for software development, and many more are in the pipeline.

With DhiWise, developers don’t need to worry about the software version up-gradation, and developers can operate it from anywhere using any device.


2.App security

Building your application with DhiWise secure your application at the code level from reverse engineering. It adds protection from both the server and client-side by obfuscating your application code, making it difficult to understand.

Securing your application from reverse engineering eliminates the threats of potential attackers who intend to duplicate your application’s business logic, components, and source code. Such attacks can harm your business's reputation and affect revenue.


3.Build for speed

What if you don’t need to start from scratch in app development? DhiWise automatically generates source code for applications with the minimum inputs such as configuring database schemas, authentications, routes, and constants.

It auto-generates APIs so that your front-end and backend applications can communicate with each other. It provides a variety of features to accelerate your app development. Few of them are,

  • Version Control: This keeps your team up to date and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  • Ready to deploy features: You can directly get APIs, npm packages, and utilities rather than creating them from scratch to speed up development.
  • Module-specific access: It enables developers to access code from anywhere in a secure way.
  • Easy code maintenance: The intuitive GUI made code maintenance simple.

These are the few features that help to speed up app development in DhiWise.



With its clean code architecture support, DhiWise enables the generation of 100% clean code This architecture is based on the core rule of moving component dependency to the inward direction towards the application core and allowing only loose coupling among the app components.

Such code reflects clarity, and therefore app build with Clean code architecture is highly scalable, maintainable, and testable.

Furthermore, with DhiWise, it is highly flexible to build web and mobile apps. Developers can generate code automatically or build and modify source code from scratch, based on project specifications.



DhiWise provides an intuitive platform for building apps to minimize the learning curve, so there is no need to train developers to learn it, saving training costs and time.

Development is more enjoyable and less frustrating with DhiWise.



We have discussed different challenges faced by developers and their responsibility towards better app development. Further, we have seen how developers can simplify app development with DhiWise and the top five reasons why developers should try DhiWise today!

Based on the discussion, we can conclude that Developers need a simple yet powerful platform that enables them to develop a scalable, testable, and maintainable application in the minimum time and DhiWise is designed to do just that.

So what are you waiting for? Try DhiWise Today!

