Importance Of Mobile App Maintenance And How Much It Can Cost You In 2022?

Zaiynab Mansuri
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2022

App maintenance is essential for ensuring dependability and consistent performance. Maintaining and updating apps, on the other hand, is akin to pursuing perfection. We understand that it is too tough to attain, but every small change moves your app closer to brilliance.

App maintenance

Building and launching your final application doesn’t mean everything is done. The app needs to be updated and maintained over time. Once the app is deployed, even the most secure and tested app can have glitches that will appear slowly.
So, let’s discuss in detail, why mobile app maintenance is so important and the factors that affect app maintenance costs.

Why is mobile app maintenance so important?

Taking care of your app is equivalent to taking care of your house. You must maintain it for your family’s needs, invest in its interiors, and make it safe to live in. This process is repeated indefinitely to ensure that it remains gorgeous and powerful for as long as possible.

If you don’t maintain your app, it will be considered abandoned and will be removed from the app store.

  1. Maintenance keeps your application clean, compatible, and stable

Unresolved bugs are the source of bad code, which can result in program failure or unexpected behavior. As a result, maintenance is required to maintain your application clean and operational.

Furthermore, mobile device makers continue to update their gadgets and operating systems over time. Failure to maintain your app may lead to compatibility and security risks.

2. Allows you to stay on top of the newest UI/UX developments.

Your mobile application’s UI and UX design are essential. The appearance of the application represents your brand identity and plays a key role in product promotion.

Aside from that, the content and design of your application’s front-end play an important influence in organic traffic and keeping customers.

Users should be able to simply move around the app if it’s simple and clear and intuitive. All of this is possible with frequent monitoring, optimization, and maintenance.

3. Ensures secure financial transactions

Because cyber attackers are still looking for loopholes, apps with online transaction features must have a secure payment gateway. Even if you have top security, your app’s security protocols will become outdated as it gets older.

Plan to have frequent security maintenance for the payment gateway and customer’s personal information to ensure your app is secure for financial transactions.

4. Eliminate app downtime.

Downtime may lead to significant revenue losses. A global outage affected Google’s services, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Meet, on August 20, 2020, for about 6 hours.

Regular security upgrades, a compatibility check with the newest OS versions, and other precautions may be taken to avoid such downtime.

5. Maintains market competitiveness and assures customer satisfaction

Mobile application maintenance is an iterative process, and not a one-time task. It requires continuous monitoring of app performance. So that you can detect and eliminate loopholes in your app.

All of these will support you in staying competitive in the mobile app industry by providing a smooth user experience.

Factors that influence the cost of maintaining a mobile app

If you are building an app then it’s a wise decision to consider the app maintenance and development costs together. It helps you to predict the exact cost of project development.

Several factors affect the cost of maintaining a mobile application. However, it varies depending on the sector, the number of platforms, the size of the app, and its complexity.

According to experts, the cost of application maintenance might range from 15% to 20% of the entire development cost.

Here are some parameters that affect the cost of maintaining a mobile app:

  • Marketing strategies, app content, and design visuals (UI/UX).
  • Server upgrades and the types of hosting services available.
  • Integration of technology and code quality.
  • Gateway for making payments.
  • Notifications via push.

Calculating the accurate app maintenance cost is difficult since it is impacted by a myriad of factors.

How to reduce app maintenance costs?

  1. Build MVP

The simplest method to save money on mobile app maintenance is to start with an MVP (Minimal Viable Product). MVP contains just needed app features and eliminates extraneous additions, resulting in a smaller app size and faster loading time.

The application’s compact size reduces the likelihood of it crashing. Furthermore, compact apps are easier to maintain and less expensive to operate than big apps with superfluous functionality.

Building an MVP allows you to bring your app to market faster and receive early feedback. As a result, you may only add features that are required based on user input and market desire.


2. Implement clean code

A great developer writes code that any other developer can easily understand and update.

Clean code is simple to comprehend and maintain since it makes new modifications easier to apply, especially when the code is shared throughout the team and everyone is working on the same application code.

3. Choose the right app development strategy for multiple platforms

You can construct a native app or a cross-platform app if you’re developing an app for numerous platforms.

Native apps are lighter, quicker, and more secure. Building a native app for several operating systems like Android and iOS, on the other hand, maybe expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to maintain.

Building a cross-platform app for iOS and Android, on the other hand, is faster and less expensive. Furthermore, maintaining a single cross-platform app’s codebase is significantly easier and less expensive than maintaining code for several native apps.

The “DhiWise” way to app maintenance✌

Before understanding how DhiWise simplifies app maintenance, let’s know about DhiWise first.

DhiWise is a modern platform that accelerates web and mobile application development. It’s the first ProCode platform in the world, and it’s meant to make it simple for developers to create scalable, maintainable apps.

  • DhiWise simplifies app maintenance by providing complete freedom to customize the app at any time. Refactoring the entire application over and over again became easier with DhiWise.
  • Developers do not need to update the code, just view, select and modify Screen components, navigation, database schema, and other configurations whenever required through an intuitive platform.
  • DhiWise generates clean code for the application and therefore app code generated using DhiWise is easy to understand and maintain.
  • It supports native and cross-platform application development, so the developers can build applications according to their preferences simultaneously.

DhiWise not only quickens app creation but also makes app maintenance easier.

So, if you’re preparing to launch a new app, use DhiWise to make straightforward app maintenance and save time and money.

So, if that sounds good to you, what are you waiting for?

Sign up for free to start using DhiWise!



Zaiynab Mansuri
Writer for

Tech Enthusiast | JavaScript | NodeJs | TypeScript