Leading by Example: Stop the Violence

Kentrell Curry
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2019

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to attend the second annual Stop the Violence event at the Boys & Girls Club in West Memphis. While I was there I had a moment to speak with the creator of the event, Cortney Gilmer, a West Memphis native, and learned more about the why and how.

The Stop the Violence event was for all ages and included plenty of things for families. There was free food, a bouncy castle, pools, a water balloon fight, and much more. During our chat, Cortney shared about why this event was important both to the youth and the community as a whole, below is a brief interview.

What made you want to start the Stop the Violence event? What were some of the goals of it?

I wanted to show the kids in the area that there is more to life than drugs and guns and killing each other. There’s a lot of violence in our community so we have to set an example for the kids. I decided to create this event because over the last two years there have been a lot of murders here, most of them have been younger than me and 3 of them were some of my closest friends.

How long has this event been going on?

Stop the Violence is in its second year, we just wrapped it up. The first year I worked alone.. it was a great success and people seen it had a great outcome…this year a few of my friends and classmates donated or volunteered to help. A special thanks to some of my close friends for being involved to help make it a success.

Anyone in particular?

Yeah definitely, Danny Haywood, Taurus Edgerton, Joe Dove, Phaison Boston, Kembron Kinnel, and Colby Campbell were all instrumental in making this event a success. And my class, WMHS class of ’09 also pitched in with donations and volunteering to help. The first year was good but I couldn’t have done all of this in year two without their help.

Why do you think this event is important?

It’s important to the youth because they are still growing, they should have fun and enjoy life.. not worry about getting shot or beat up just for coming outside...It’s important to the city because we are the leaders and footsteps the kids follow in.. they are the future so if they see us striving they will too.. if they see us shooting and killing so will they. We have to lead by example.

I like that, lead by example. What were some of the highlight from this year?

The best highlight is most definitely the water balloon fights and the slip n’ slide falls. But really, just seeing the community interact with each other in a positive manner.. having fun, smiling, and the kids running around being free...it’s a beautiful feeling

A water balloon fight!? Sorry I missed it! I’m sure you’re planning to do this again next year, so what can we expect from you and the Stop the Violence event moving forward?

This is something I try to do every year for the city because it’s nothing to do here. Hopefully, the STV Event gets bigger and bring people and children from all over.

I would like to see the Mayor, police department, and fire departments come interact with the children and become more of a family rather than children being scared of their peers and law enforcement. You can expect this event to be ongoing, bigger and better in the future, and I hope this event touches the people and children all over the world…more positivity and less negativity.

Next year I’m planning on adding a back to school giveaway such as school supplies to help mothers and fathers out that can barely afford it.

I’m looking forward to next year. If people want to get in touch with you to pitch in or talk about other things to do here, what’s the best way to do that?

The best way to get in touch would be to email me at cortneygilmer1@icloud.com

It was great to be out at the Boys and Girls Club and see our community doing something positive. With so much happening in the world, it’s great to have a light in our community like Cortney and the Stop the Violence event. While I was there I saw kids just having a good time laughing and playing with each other and I saw adults happy and smiling because there was something positive for their kids to do that allowed them to get out of the house for a while. I hope that people in the community will be encouraged by this story and know that they too can make a difference and be the change they want to see in their community. We all have a stake in what West Memphis is and what it becomes and we have to take the right steps to make it a great place for the kids.



Kentrell Curry
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