DIA Labs | Partnership with DuckDAO

We are excited to join forces with DuckDAO to accelerate the development of the DeFi ecosystem by providing DuckDAO incubated projects access to funding and DIA’s trusted oracles.

DIA Labs
DIA Insights
2 min readJul 7, 2021


DuckDAO is a decentralized incubator that helps promising projects achieve their full potential by leveraging the investment power and buzz making potential of their community. DuckDAO aims to democratize access to investment opportunities that were previously available only to well-heeled investors and venture funds, opening up the closed ecosystem of early-stage crypto project investments to everybody.

Through this partnership, DuckDAO will collaborate with DIA Labs to support projects looking to raise funds. Projects from the DIA Labs ecosystem can use DuckDAO as their platform for private and public sales.

In addition, this partnership will enable the DuckDAO ecosystem to have access to DIA’s trusted oracles. The current and upcoming projects incubated via DuckDAO will be able to integrate DIA’s open-source, transparent and reliable data feeds to build new DeFi products. DIA offers highly reliable and accurate data points as they are gathered from various sources at a trade level; then this data gets computed and sanitised in tamper-proof environments in collaboration with IBM; and finally, delivered on-chain (via Ethereum, BSC, Polkadot, Polygon, etc) or off-chain (via API rest).

Ioana Surpateanu, DIA Labs principal comments:

“One of DIA Labs’ main three pillars is to be a catalyst and partner for all initiatives aimed at DeFi ecosystem expansion and consolidation. We believe partnering with DuckDAO will create great synergies for the ecosystem and help exciting new projects develop ideas with reliable data feeds, funding and market know-how.”

The DuckDAO team adds:

“The foundational aspect of blockchain technology is sharing information in a transparent and verifiable way, and as such decentralized projects cannot rely on a single source of truth. Through this newly formed partnership with DIA Labs, DuckDAO is hoping to provide a convenient way for projects in our ecosystem to utilize reliable and widely-sourced information.”

About DIA Labs

DIA Labs is a nucleus for experimentation, networking and engagement. This structure supports DIA’s overall mission of providing transparent, open-source and regulatory compliant data as a core function of the DeFi infrastructure, alongside a multifaceted contribution to the overall development of the ecosystem.



DIA Labs
DIA Insights

Contributing to the development of DeFi via regulatory interaction, women in tech promotion and experimentation with disruptive technology.