Introducing the DIA University Student Network

We are delighted to announce the launch of the DIA University Student Network, a global network of elite universities to foster knowledge exchange between academia and DeFi and collaborative research into DeFi and oracles.

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
2 min readMar 9, 2021


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What is USN?

As a web3 innovator, we believe that it is both important and beneficial to work together with academic institutions to support educational efforts, drive research ambitions and foster talent growth.

This is why we are bringing together a network of university blockchain working groups and DeFi ecosystem actors in the USN. The USN provides students access to market knowledge, tech know-how, professional networks and hands-on career opportunities.

Who can participate?

We believe that creating frictionless access is the best way to grow and mature the DeFi ecosystem. This is why the USN is an open and free non-profit organisation for students, universities and DeFi projects.

Benefits for students:

  • Access to professional networks
  • Hands-on DeFi experience
  • Career opportunities

Benefits for working groups:

  • Funding for research projects
  • Access to comprehensive data feeds

Benefits for participating projects:

  • Access to talent pools
  • Exposure among new target groups

Which universities are already participating?

TIBA — Tsinghua International Blockchain Association

TIBA is the International Students Blockchain Association from Tsinghua University. Their goal is to bridge the gap between students and the industry, between the Chinese and international communities, and to let everyone work together to realize the potential of blockchain.

CMU Blockchain Group

The CMU Blockchain Group is a software developer focused group of students of Carnegie Mellon University, dedicated to bringing high-quality presentations and workshops. Its mission is to equip people with the foundational knowledge to reason blockchain developments from an engineering perspective, taking into account technical, economic and policy factors.

Sharif Decentralabs

Sharif Decentralabs is the blockchain association of the Sharif University of Technology, in Tehran, Iran. It is widely considered the nation’s leading institution for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

Apply Now

It’s free. Apply following this link or visiting

About DIA

DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share and use financial and digital asset data.



DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.