Introducing the Next Phase and Identity for DIA

DIA has been building and shipping for the past months, executing DIAs core mission to provide access to transparent data by building a unique value proposition in the oracle space. Today we are launching an entirely new homepage and App while presenting the maturing DIA brand.

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
8 min readSep 9, 2022


DIA has been building and shipping for the past months, executing DIAs core mission to provide access to transparent data by building a unique value proposition in the oracle space. Today we are launching an entirely new homepage and UI while presenting the maturing DIA brand. This piece will provide an overview of these improvements from the past months as well as giving a peek into the future.

A quick reminder about DIA

DIA is an open-source oracle platform, which provides data to smart contracts. DIA’s architecture fundamentally differs from other providers in the market in that we cover the entire data value stack:

  1. Collection: We collect raw data as individual trades from a number of DEXs and CEXs across various chains as well as specific contract states.
  2. Computation: We compute price feeds and other critical information from these individual data points based on the needs of our users
  3. Distribution: We deliver data feeds to off-chain users as well as oracles to smart contracts on-chain on 30 different L1 and L2 networks.

This architecture allows DIA to provide the broadest library of data in web3, tailored to any use case, while providing full transparency about sources and computation.

DIA’s central initiatives

While making our oracles available in as many ecosystems as possible and integrating with projects across various verticals in Web3 are ongoing and continuous in nature, we are working on a few initiatives central to our strategy:

  1. Expanding DIA’s data library to deliver feeds from digital asset prices, NFT floor price oracles, contract states as well as traditional financial feeds including equities, FX rates and more.
  2. Providing a self-service product architecture that allows anyone to autonomously create and deploy data feeds with custom methodologies for specific use cases and guidance to understand the associated risk in depth.
  3. Maximising security, data immutability and transparency along DIA’s value stack, from sources used to the library hosted to computation to ingestion of the data.
  4. Developing a framework and infrastructure to enable the community to autonomously contribute to the DIA project across verticals from development and data sourcing to business development and marketing.
  5. Updating our brand to ensure that the look and feel of our project matches the advances and improvements we have accomplished.

Let’s explore each of these in more detail.

Data offering

Being the core product of the DIA platform, we continuously work on broadening and deepening our data library both in terms of categories of data provided and sources used as well as the methodologies applied.

The DIA library is already huge and growing every day:

  • 2.000+ standard digital asset price feeds including especially long-tail assets with low volume or liquidity that are not provided by aggregators
  • 20.000+ Tradfi assets like equities and FX rates
  • 18.000+ NFT collections’ floor price feeds
  • Multi-chain, verifiable on-chain Randomness
  • 70+ data sources including DEXs, CEXs and NFT marketplaces

The overarching goal is to make relevant data feeds available for a variety of use cases, where they are needed, as they are needed.

Self-service architecture

In order to enable frictionless and autonomous interaction with DIA and the possibility for anyone to create data feeds for their specific use case, we are publishing several tools.

Explore DIA’s library with the feed explorer

DIA’s database has hitherto been made visible via our documentation and interaction with our API endpoints. As this may be abstract for some stakeholders and lacks some context around each data point available, DIA is launching a data explorer that allows anyone to browse and look for specific feeds and sources as well as learn about the context of each data point.

DIA’s new feed explorer

Which markets are scraped to create the feed? Which networks are they on? What is the number of trades and trading volume? All these questions are important to serve an exponentially growing web3 ecosystem and to make the context of each data feed as well as the feeds themselves accessible without restrictions.

Check it out and explore our database here.

Create custom feeds with xStream

xStream is DIA’s self-service tool to customise and create any API endpoint, without the need to interact with developers. Users can specify exactly what they require including source markets, methodology parameters like time range, window size, update triggers and frequency.

DIA’s custom feed builder xStream

If specific requirements are not available or need further fine tuning or a created data feed needs to be brought on-chain, users have the option to get in touch with our product and business development teams to continue the conversation.

This is the first step that will serve as a basis to enable the autonomous creation of more complex, use-case driven data feeds rather than only providing standard price feeds with standard methodologies.

Visit xStream and create your custom feed

Community / DAO

We continue to develop a framework and infrastructure for community contributions to DIA. The first steps of creating the foundation for a DAO have been made which allow us to collect learnings to expand and develop this initiative.

The next steps in the DAO operation are a closer focus on specific work streams and projects to structure contributions. These more complex and sophisticated projects require more attention to project structuring and will be rolled out over the coming months.

This will allow us to leverage the combined networks and brainpower of our community to drive integration into more protocols and ecosystems as well as source and validate data as well as build new features and products.

Project- and workstream-driven organisation for the DAO

Want to become a DIA contributor?

Join our Discord and get an overview of our bounties.

Transparency and security

One of DIA’s core promises is full transparency about its data value stack. While not exhaustive, transparency is the core driver for security and alignment of interests. DIA has pushed several initiatives to improve transparency across the board.

Revamped documentation

DIA’s new documentation has been upgraded not only to improve the developer experience by providing a better structure, providing an exhaustive list of smart contract addresses and endpoints as well as rich context about implementation and usage. In addition the new documentation provides additional context about the sources and methodologies we use as well as tutorials about how endpoints and oracles are implemented and used.

Visit DIA Documentation here.

Platform Monitoring Dashboard

As part of our transparency initiative we launched a dashboard to see the status of the different modules of the DIA platform. We will continue to expand on this and deliver real time status on a broader and more granular level over time.

Visit DIA platform monitoring dashboard here.

CARs and CDRs

CARs (Community Approval Requests) and CDRs (Custom Delivery Requests) serve an important purpose: Ensuring that the modules of our platform from sources to methodologies and more are publicly vetted and approved (CARs) as well as making requests for custom feeds public and auditable. This way the community can see, challenge and approve or improve anything that is deployed.


Our Github has not changed critically, yet it is worth mentioning that it hosts an extensive repo of pull requests that provides transparency about the code base and scrapers implemented in our platform.

Visit DIA’s GitHub repository here.


DIA launched with a beautiful brand in 2018. Ever since, we have come a long way along all aspects of the project from technology to product to community. We felt that the current brand and presence no longer represents the progress we have made. Today we introduce a new brand that reflects these values more accurately and will give DIA a fresh new look and feel to build around.

Discover our new identity on our website:

A glimpse ahead

While the explorative nature of the market and the fast-paced dynamics of the ecosystem can make it difficult to give precise timelines, we want to share some of the general topics we are working on.

  1. Expanding the trustless architecture along DIA’s entire value stack to maximise the security, stability and validity of our data feeds. The priority focus here will be to introduce a novel approach for a trustless data aggregation mechanisms from off-chain sources that would help to achieve next level security and trust in DIA’s data offering.
  2. Providing an automated oracle delivery mechanism which enables anyone to define and deploy any standard oracle within minutes, utilizing DIA’s infrastructure and comprehensive data offering.
  3. In-depth risk reporting and management system to ensure that users are aware of general and specific contexts of using the feeds they create and deploy.
  4. Continued effort to provide universal availability of DIA’s data feeds on all relevant existing and upcoming networks as well as providing new, relevant, more specific and complex data feeds.

We invite everyone to explore our new identity and interfaces and give feedback about other features you might want to see, bugs we may have missed or completely new initiatives and projects we should explore. Get in touch with us at any time on Discord. See you there!

Join DIA’s Discord Server

About DIA

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3. The DIA platform enables the sourcing, validation and sharing of transparent and verified data feeds for traditional and digital financial applications. DIA’s institutional-grade data feeds cover digital asset prices, NFT floor prices, lending rates, FX rates and more.

DIA’s data is directly sourced from a broad array of on-chain and off-chain sources at individual trade-level. This allows DIA feeds to be fully customized with regards to the mix of sources and methodologies, resulting in tailor-made, high resilience feeds and thereby setting a new paradigm for oracles.

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DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.