Partnership with AllianceBlock

DIA and AllianceBlock enter into a strategic partnership to democratise access to decentralised oracle and a further step to bridge DeFi to traditional finance.

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
2 min readMar 3, 2021


The AllianceBlock Protocol is a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer 2 that bridges traditional and decentralized finance and automates the process of converting any digital or crypto asset into a bankable product.

The AllianceBlock Ecosystem is designed as a multi-faceted platform that enables its members to issue, transfer and own tokenized and/or digitized assets. It is an ‘open’ ecosystem that allows any entity to create assets and applications without the need for approvals from centralized “trust” authorities. It uses human and machine intelligence to harness the ‘wisdom’ of groups in decision-making and governance.

DIA will integrate several elements of AllianceBlock’s protocol, which are being developed to both source and provide cutting edge analytics. DIA will work together on AllianceBlock’s Data Tunnel product. On the other hand, AllianceBlock will also integrate DIA data on their On-chain and Off-chain Investment Data API product. As a result of the partnership, it will produce mutual benefits for both the AllianceBlock and DIA communities.

Rachid Ajaja, CEO of AllianceBlock, commented:

We share a common ambition with DIA; to bridge the gap between DeFi and TradFi. Data is an incredibly important part of this goal, and I am delighted that we are partnering with DIA to progress both of our projects in this regard. It represents an important alliance between two leading proponents in the DeFi data space, and we are excited to see what we will be able to produce together.

Michael Weber, DIA’s founder and association president, adds:

Partnering with Alliance Block is a logical extension of DIA’s mission of making validated and transparent data available to a wide array of market actors. Access to data is the key component in a democratic and open financial market, which the DeFi ecosystem sets out to accomplish. We are happy to partner with Alliance Block and look forward to a fruitful future.

About AllianceBlock

AllianceBlock is building the first globally compliant decentralized capital market. The AllianceBlock Protocol is a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer 2 that automates the process of converting any digital or crypto asset into a bankable product.

About DIA

DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share and use financial and digital asset data.



DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.