Supporting the Decentralisation of Tixl’s Cross-Chain Bridge

We are excited to expand our partnership with Tixl by hosting one of three nodes that will support the decentralisation of its ERC20 to BEP20 bridge.

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
2 min readJun 4, 2021


As of now, Tixl’s Cross-Chain Bridge is hosted decentrally. If Ethereum based projects want to list their ERC20 tokens on PancakeSwap or a Binance Smart Chain DEX, they need to offer their token holders an ERC20 – BEP20 Bridge.

As Binance Smart Chain’s native bridge one is only available to projects listed on Binance, Tixl has built a bridge to support ERC20 — BEP20 bridging for non-listed projects.

Tixl’s BEP20 bridge is set up in a decentralised way, unlike the Binance Bridge. To enable the decentralisation of the Tixl Bridge, the oracle address triggering the release of the bridged tokens is created through the participation of 3 decentralised nodes. DIA is excited to provide one of the nodes enabling this, next to Rocknitive, Tixl as the second and third.

About DIA

DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto-economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share and use financial and digital asset data.



DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.