Team AMA: Recap

On April 15, the DIA team got together to host an AMA on the DIA official Telegram channel and answer questions of the community. Here is a recap with the most notable Q&As.

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
5 min readApr 16, 2021


Question: Roadmap etc aside, what is your overall view on DIA in the crypto space? If you were asked by potential institutional investors and partners /customers, Why DIA and not a different oracle?

Paul Claudius: We have a clear differentiation regarding our product. We rely on crowd sourced and crowd validated data. This results in a better product when it comes to efficiency and transparency.

Answering your question from an institutional perspective we provide best in class solution that answers the high level of data fidelity from traditional finance. We aggregate and sanitise data on a trade level. For that reason, we have a high standing in the institutional space.

Question: Ioana you have a huge experience in regulatory matters. How does it fit in with DIA? And DeFi?

Ioana Surpateanu: Thanks for all the questions. On the regulatory angle integration. I guess it very much depends on the overall vision for the space in the near future. To me, it will be a symbiosis between DeFi and traditional finance. And whichever format that will take, you need to have a regulatory and supervisory angle embedded.

Question: I have a couple of questions. What sets DIA apart from Chainlink? And @i3aSrp (Ioana) mentioned a project for women in emerging tech. Could you tell us a bit more about that? Would it be something like a grants program?

Ioana Surpateanu: Thanks for that. It can evolve into a grants program but we’re initially looking to create a networking platform, supported by high profile political figures amongst others and yes, it can potentially be transformed into a vehicle for grants access.

Question: With the rapid growth of the popularity of Binance Smart Chain, and a great number of users and projects taking advantage of fast speed and low gas price on BSC, do you plan to make your governance token available on BSC chain?

Paul Claudius: We believe in the advantage of lowering the entry barrier for participating in the DIA ecosystem. So we are closely investigating such option. Stay tuned.

Question: What are DIA DAO’s plans for the foreseeable future?

Paul Claudius: DIA was built on the foundation of making core infrastructure of DApps governed by a decentralised organisation. this is not sth you will have on day 1 but requires the active participation of the community. We are today enabling DAO governance decision already in a broad field including treasury, marketing, product to just name a few. We will ramp up this effort throughout the year. Every community member is highly encouraged to participate!

Question: Do the regulations in the USA allow the entry of DIA to mainstream use case there? In the case of traditional finance and markets.

Ioana Surpateanu: Great question. DIA provides transparency and reliability of sources, data trajectories and outcomes. The regulators ( US/ other jurisdictions) currently lack these types of insights so DIA can solve and prevent many of the issues that currently generate bottlenecks and opaque data access.

Question: Since the DAO vote for marketing has been passed, what marketing does DIA have lined up for Q2 and Q3?

Paul Claudius: Im personally very happy with the DAO vote regarding this initiative. The success of a project reflected in the token value does not only come from building a great product and continuous integration but also about being vocal about it. Therefore the budget for community marketing is a great way to achieve this IMO. We are at the same time very diligent and want to ensure that budget is allocated in the best way possible. I can assure that the comms team is working on truly great initiatives that will be shared soon and executed over the coming 12 months as it was agreed in the DAO vote.

Question: Tell us more about the labs, is it an incubator? How can DIA holders get involved or benefit from labs?

Ioana Surpateanu: It is currently not an incubator but there is an angle within labs that will support the DeFi ecosystem development. Initially intended as a testbed/experimentation vehicle but based on demand and quality of projects we might add a monetary support angle to it.

Question: Hi, one question about the Oracle data request per day: will it be possible to know about it?

Paul Claudius: I stumbled upon this metric. I'm not sure who framed it but IMO it provides little value as a benchmark. What is relevant IMO is the partners and the applications they are using. So we are happy that we have a strong growth in new DeFi partners in 2021 in particular in new L1/ L2s of well over 30 as of today while we also are catering to institutional users that ingest our data on a high frequency. Hope that provides some value regarding benchmarking our integration and usage efforts.

Question: What about the approach for the GDPR, which is important in Europe? I’m not sure if that’s 100% relatable to oracles, but I’m curious and also because API3 has become GDPR-compliant very recently.

Ioana Surpateanu: The main concern regarding GDPR and oracles and on-chain data, in general, is the immutability angle. However, Europe has correctly identified crypto as a channel that will provide a competitive advantage on the regulatory front so they have issued new laws (data governance act, etc) that will neutralise the effects of GDPR.

About DIA

DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share and use financial and digital asset data.



DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.