The DIA DAO Alpha Launch: Why You Should Join and What You Need to Know

DIA Core Team
DIA Insights
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2022

Why the Alpha phase?

The DIA DAO will be rolled out stepwise. After some internal tests with smaller groups to identify and remove any unnecessary friction and bugs in the onboarding flow, we will invite a selected group of members that cover diverse skills and experience levels.

In the Alpha Phase, we will test and collect feedback on the mechanics of the DAO setup, the incentives, the payout mechanics and more in order to iterate and improve the DAO until it is fit to be released to a broader audience.

How is this happening?

We invite anyone to apply that wants to make a mark on the DIA DAO and have the opportunity to join early and get all the Alpha benefits. The core DAO Contributors will screen applications and invite a selected set of applicants.

In this phase, there will be several calls and sessions to get feedback and ensure alignment. Anyone who joins is expected to be responsive, committed, actively participate and show initiative. Specifically, we are looking for leaders and ambassadors that bring ideas and experience.

The early days will lay the foundation of the DAO, so we need to ensure high quality. This is why we will only onboard a small number of selected applicants and we will filter out anyone who is not actively adding value rigidly. If you are not chosen, don’t worry. Your chance will come!

Why you want to join the Alpha Phase

The expectations for DIA DAO Alphas are high and we are not kidding around. That is why the rewards will be in line with the expectations. Alpha members will be rewarded with:

  • Leadership: We need inspiring and committed leaders that are experts in their fields and can lead a community diligently and conscientiously. The first group of members will have the opportunity to skip the line and fill the top positions of the DIA DAO. Needless to say, leaders have more responsibility, get more rewards and access to better opportunities.
  • DIA tokens: Aligning incentives and giving direct governance participation to contributors is key. The 10 top-ranked Alpha members will be eligible to claim up to 1.000 DIA tokens. These tokens will be locked up for up to 6 months after alpha launch and claimable by contributors that stay active.
  • Boosters: Joining the program early means more risk. That is why Alpha members who join during the first 30 days will earn a one-time reward equal to 10% of the ETH rewards for bounties completed during the first three months after the Alpha launch. This reward will be distributed in a single transaction after the 3 months period.
  • NFT badges: All DIA Alphas (contributors that join and remain active in the first 90 days of the DAO) will be awarded a special NFT badge which will grant them special access, boosters and other benefits in the DIA ecosystem in the future.

Please be aware that the distribution of DIA rewards is not yet enabled. While we will record and allocate the rewards earned, the actual distribution can only take place once the technical infrastructure is ready and tested. This will be the case latest within 90-days of Alpha launch.

NOTE: In order to be eligible for any of the above rewards, you will need to be onboarded and have the role ‘DAO-Contributor’ in the DIA DAO Discord server. The DIA core team retains the right to revoke or invoke any of the above at their own discretion.

Seats are limited — join the waiting list now.

There are only a few spots available in the Alpha Phase and while members will be chosen by merit, there will be a preference for first joiners. The program will be expanded stepwise.

Submit your application form now.

Join the DIA DAO Discord and say hi.

About DIA

DIA is a cross-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3. The DIA platform enables the crowd-sourcing, validation and sharing of transparent and verified data feeds for asset prices, metaverse data and more. DIA data is simultaneously sourced at a trade level from multiple on-chain and off-chain sources and made available to developers on all relevant layer 1 and layer 2 networks.

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DIA Core Team
DIA Insights

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.