Using Blockchain To Reshape Mobile Telephony Processes

Amaury Aubrée-Dauchez
Published in
9 min readNov 13, 2019


Using Blockchain To Reshape Mobile Telephony Processes Amaury Aubrée-Dauchez


New blockchain applications emerge every day. Many industries, including Telecom, are now looking into implementing it and leverage efficiencies it brings.

There are indeed over 7 billion global mobile service subscribers generating trillions of calls, messages, and data sessions annually. Servicing this demand whilst attempting to offer compelling propositions in a highly competitive market environment is an ongoing challenge for all Mobile Network Operators, MNOs in short. In many cases, MNOs are constrained by ageing billing systems or traditional ways of forming a contract with the subscriber.

Legacy mobile business support systems have mostly been built around the ability to deliver a simple handset and combi tariff, generate a regular paper or electronic bill for the subscriber, and to take payment via a direct debit or payment card. However, now there is an increasing need for MNOs to offer different products, to provide pricing and payment flexibility, and to provide a better and more immediate experience for the subscriber. Blockchain technologies will lever the innate ability of technology to provide a secure and decentralised environment and the power of electronic smart contracts to provide an alternative billing, payment, and subscriber contracting architecture for MNOs.



Amaury Aubrée-Dauchez

31+ years in innovation and digital transformation. Blockchain, AI & IoT will fundamentally reshape the world. We wanna be part of it.