5 Tips for SAT Math studying

Rohen Shah
DiagKNOWstics Learning Blog
2 min readJan 2, 2018

SAT tests are quite stressful for many students. However, you don’t need to be overly concerned if you take the time to prepare yourself and follow the best possible approach! This article will help you with a few tips, suggestions and guidelines that could help you knock it out of the park and excel in your SAT Math tests!

Tip 1: Practice, practice, and practice!

This is one of those things that every student knows, but many students procrastinate and don’t end up having much time for practice tests. Start early, and do many practice tests and make sure you review a lot between each attempt. Go over each question you got wrong in the practice test and make sure you understand it before you move on to a second test. Practicing will also help you get accustomed to the stress and pace of taking the test. The more practice runs you can do, the more comfortable you will become.

Tip 2: Memorize the key formulas and rules.

Intuition and immediate problem-solving skills are very important, but it is also essential to memorize essential formulas, rules, and topics. Think of it like carrying an extensive math dictionary in your head at all times. If you know what you need to know, it will be a lot easier to think quickly and solve issues on the fly, if needed.

Tip 3: Ask for feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback: support from a teacher, a family member or a fellow student could be helpful, and it could put you at ease. Many students feel ashamed to ask for help, as if that is a sign of weakness. To the contrary, it is a sign of academic strength to be aware of your weaknesses and to actively seek out help.

Tip 4: Put it in your own words

At the end of the day, you are the learner, and it all happens in your head. It is very important that every explanation you see makes sense to you. If a particular explanation from a tutor or a book sounds confusing, rephrase it in terms that make sense to you while still checking of course that your version is mathematically accurate in general.

Tip 5: Adaptive Learning

If you are looking for a more flexible type of guidance, you could consider adaptive learning platforms. Services such as the one that my company (Diagknowstics) offers can help you tailor your practice questions through the use of clever AI technologies. The key feature here that is helpful is the immediate feedback you would get every time you get a question wrong. The last thing you want is to “practice” doing a problem incorrectly over and over again!

Find out more: https://www.diagknowstics.com



Rohen Shah
DiagKNOWstics Learning Blog

Research Fellow and PhD Candidate at the University of Chicago. Founder of @DiagKNOWstics Learning.