Introducing: Dialect Operator for Telegram

Dialect Labs
Dialect Labs
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2024

Since day one, our mission at Dialect has been to bring web3 superpowers to the oldest technology we have for coordination and action: language.

Today, we are taking a major new step on our journey. We are delighted to introduce Dialect Operator, a powerful new experience in Telegram for crypto traders. Dialect Operator is the fastest, most intuitive, and safest way to trade tokens over chat.

  • Fastest — Instantly trade tokens and share info by just saying what you want to do.
  • Most intuitive — Commands and natural language teleport you to ready-to-sign, visual interfaces embedded right in chat, so you can act quickly and with confidence.
  • Safest — The Dialect Operator never touches your keys, ever. Your keys stay safe in Phantom.

And it’s free. Dialect charges zero in fees for you to trade.

Dialect Operator is available starting today on Telegram for iOS, with support coming soon for Android, Saga, and desktop. Get started by messaging @dialectbot, or visit to learn more.

A New Way to Trade Tokens Over Chat

Dialect Operator introduces an ambitious new interface for crypto, driven by the superpowers of speech but without the usual limitations of chat. It’s a secure, conversational interface over your existing wallets and the best of crypto, starting today with token trading.

There is no complicated syntax, lengthy text responses, or wall of buttons to navigate. Just say what you want and Dialect Operator will teleport you to an embedded interface, with a prepared transaction ready to sign.

Speed is about flexibility. Provide as much or as little as you want in your ask — Operator accepts all kinds of ways to express a trade, like “buy sol”, “buy 100 usdc of bonk”, “buy jto with 100 usdc”, “swap 1m bozo for wif”, “get me some jup please” — and Operator will prep the action for you.

Each of these asks takes you to an embedded trading interface with everything pre-populated and ready to sign with just a tap, or change if needed.

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Jupiter and Raydium to give you you the best prices with Jupiter’s routing engine, and the greatest possible token reach with Raydium.

Dialect Operator’s multimodal interface is both of these experiences at the same time: the speed and power of language to express yourself, and the embedded interface to confirm securely and confidently.

Uncompromising Security 🔒

We take security seriously: Dialect Operator’s multimodal interface makes self custody possible for the first time over chat. We’ve partnered with Phantom to deliver a best-in class experience that is both safe and easy to use.

Every action you take from Dialect deep links you to Phantom, where you can sign with a single tap, and then you’re right back in Telegram.

We’re taking a stand on security, and have designed Dialect Operator from the ground up to sit on top of the wallets you already trust and use for self-custody, a first of its kind in any messaging app.

Keep your keys where they belong: in a battle-tested wallet app, not on an AWS server.

An Interface for Everything

We’ve teamed up with Jupiter, Raydium, and Phantom to create the fastest, most secure trading experience in Telegram. With Dialect Operator you can buy and sell tokens over chat while feeling confident that your trades are being routed efficiently and safely.

This is just the beginning. In the coming weeks we will be expanding the variety and depth of things you can do with Dialect, to make it the fastest, most social way to experience the best of crypto.

Coming up: ⚡⚛️.

Web3 has Entered the Chat 💬

Crypto is the most social technology on the internet, but it is notoriously hard to discover, use and share. The world has moved to mobile, but few crypto projects have made the leap due to restrictive app store policies and a lack of good web3 mobile infrastructure.

Mobile is not enough, though. 15 years in, app fatigue is at an all time high, and with the chat is breaking out as the new interface for everything.

The Dialect Operator is our answer.

Access Starts Today 👇

Dialect Operator for Telegram is available starting today. Visit, or message @dialectbot on Telegram to get started.

