Q3 Recap

Dialect Labs
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2022

We had a busy Q3. After obsessing for months over creating dev tooling that is straightforward and easy to use, 12 new partners integrated us since June, and several other announce upcoming integrations across both Solana and Aptos.

Integration Partners 🤝

Our open source notifications tooling has enabled projects to keep their users up to date with a wide variety of notifications ranging from: 💰 liquidation warnings and filled orders from DeFi protocols, 🎨 NFT updates (new bids/buys, new collections, etc), 👥 broadcast-style announcements (new features, educational material, event calendars) and many more.

Thanks to Dialect’s open standard, your notifications are tied to your keypair, so all notifications will arrive in any Dialect-powered inbox, including Solflare’s mobile wallet, Solana.FM, Step.finance, Grape, Dialect…and soon on the Dial App! 🟣

The Dial App 🟣

We have been working to build out messaging infrastructure and developer tooling for SMS. We believe that web3 has the opportunity to create more useful and delightful messaging experiences, and the Dial App is our way to help will those experiences into existence.

With the Dial app, you’ll be able to DM and group chat directly from your wallet, stay up to date with notifications from your favorite dapps, and take action right in the message with our smart messaging standard.

Additionally in Q3 we teased a first implementation of smart messages from inside the Dial App, with the first use case being simple transfers between wallets. Next will be transaction requests, allowing dapps to engage users in remote environments to react to timely information, such as rebidding on auctions, voting on DAO proposals, topping up collateral, and more.

Creator Tools ⚒️

We also released our open-source Creator Tools. It’s a simple way to start building your audience and communicating directly to them via Telegram, Email, SMS or right to their wallets. As the space matures, dapps, NFT projects, and other ecosystem participants will increasingly need ways to engage and activate their communities. We built Creator Tools to make that easy. Getting started with Creator Tools is as simple as adding a single react component to your site. Read more about our Creator Tools and build your audience in one click ✅👇

Aptos 👋 🌊

We believe in an inherently multi-chain, mass-adoption future. Therefore it is necessary for web3 messaging to support every major blockchain. In service of that vision, we have refactored our tooling and added support for Aptos.

So far, we have announced our partnership with Rise Wallet and Meeiro. Over the next few weeks we will continue to announce more Aptos integration partners 🤝

Our SDK and docs are live and teams are encouraged to reach out if they have any questions.

Solana Summer Camp Hackathon 👞🏕️

We offered a $10,000 ecosystem prize in conjunction with the Solana Summer Camp Hackathon and the team at Longeye Monstré won the prize for being the best project built with Dialect 🎉

We love the to see the new types of user experiences interoperable, composable messaging can enable. It is inspiring to see a new wave of high quality shipoors building on Solana and appreciate that some of the Solana Summer Camp Hackathon participants chose to compose atop our open source tools and standard.

Dial Up & Operator Podcasts ☎️

This quarter we introduced two weekly Twitter Space shows.

Dial Up features some of our favorite builders in the space. So far our guests ranged from the co-founders and builders at Drift, Solflare, Clockwork, Marginfi, Heliuslabs, Grape, Holaplex, Bridgesplit, as well as Jacob and Chase from Solana Foundation.

Operator features our integration partners talking about their product and experiences building in web3. So far we had the pleasure to host the teams from Xenon, Squads Protocol, Tulip and Friktion on our show.

You can find all of our past episodes on our podcast feed on Apple, Google and Spotify.

Solana Features Update Notifications 🔔

Since July, Dialect has supported notifications for core Solana feature updates. If you’re a validator, developer, or community member who wants to stay in the know, we’ve got you covered.

To sign up, simply connect your wallet, hit the bell and choose whether you want text, email or wallet notifications 🔔

About Dialect

Dialect is building an open-source, smart messaging protocol enabling wallet-to-wallet chat and programmatic notifications. Over 30 projects spanning DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and analytics use Dialect to power their messaging and notifications use cases. Dialect is also pioneering something we call the “smart message,” a rich, interactive message unique to web3 where you execute a smart contract right from the message. Smart messages and the Dial App, a web3 native messaging app, launch this November. Stay up-to-date on the latest by subscribing to our announcements on dialect.to.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out our open-source tooling on github, our docs, or reach us directly on Twitter and Discord.

